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【摘要】 目的 了解中心山东凤镇妇女乳腺增生的患病情况,探讨其影响因素,为制定有针对性的干预方法提高科学依据。方法 回顾当地2000年来建立的966例妇女健康档案资料,采用Epidata 3.0.SPSS 11.5软件进行统计分析。结果 在966例妇女健康检查中,发现乳腺增生72例,患病率为7.45%。乳腺增生与孕次、产次、年龄、体质量指数等有关;体重指数是乳腺增生的危险因素(OR=1.214)(1.119-1.317),年龄是乳腺增生的保护因素(OR=0.942)(0.909-0.976)。结论 应定期开展妇女乳腺疾病普查工作,增加基层医疗机构的筛检能力,加强乳腺增生疾病的健康教育工作,降低乳腺癌的患病率。
【关键词】乳腺增生; 妇女;影响因素
An Investigation and Analysis on Prevalence Situation and Factors about Breast Hyperplasia in Women in Dongfeng Town of Zhongshan City
CHEN Xi-yan,QIU Man-fu,ZHANG Wei-yao.Dongfeng hospital of Zhongshan City,Xiaolan hospital of Zhongshan City,Zhongshan 510100,China
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate and analyse the prevalence situation and factors about breast hyperplasia in women in dongfeng town of zhongshan city,to provide evidences for effective interventions making.Methods The womens’health files finnished from 2000 were inputted by Epidata 3.0,and was analysed by SPSS11.5 software.Results In 966 cases,72 cases of Breast Hyperplasia was founded,and the prevalence rate was 7.45%.Breast Hyperplasia was related with pregnant time,produce time,age,weight index,etc.The weight index was a dangerous factor(OR=1.214)(1.119-1.317),tha age was a protective factor(OR=0.942)(0.909-0.976).Conclusion The census of galactophore disease should be launched regularly,and the means of checking also shoulded be increased in the basical medical organization,and strengthen the health promote for Breast Hyperplasia to reduce the prevalenc of breast cancer.
【Key words】Breast hyperplasia; Women; Factors
DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn 1673-8799.2010.06.25
作者单位:528425中山市东凤镇医院(陈喜炎 丘满福); 中山市小榄医院(张伟耀)
1 材料与方法
1.1 研究对象 以中山市东凤镇2000年来建立的个人健康档案的部分妇女为调查对象。
1.2 调查方法 以东凤镇中心医院自制的健康档案为调查问卷,对进行了健康体检的育龄妇女的问卷资料采用Epidata 3.0进行数据双向录入、校正。问卷内容包括:被调查者的一般情况、个人史、个人习惯及各个系统的体格检查和实验室检查等 ......