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【摘要】 目的 探讨在剖宫产术中应用卡孕栓及将子宫体托出腹部切口外用于减少剖宫产术中出血量的效果。方法 选择2008年7月至2009年5月因头盆不称、胎儿宫内窘迫、臀位、骨盆狭窄、羊水过少等作为剖宫产指针且为初次手术的患者共180例(排除妊娠并发症、宫缩乏力、羊水过多、双胎及其他容易引起出血的疾病),随机分为研究组与对照组,每组各90例,比较两组在剖宫产术中的出血量,两组产妇在年龄、孕周、产次、新生儿体重等方面均无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结果 子宫托出法加卡孕栓0.5 mg舌下含服能显著减少剖宫产术中的出血量,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。结论 剖宫产术中待胎盘娩出后,将子宫托出于腹部切口外,并加用卡孕栓0.5 mg舌下含服,对减少术中出血效果佳。
Controlling hemorrhage by carprost suppsitioria administration with holding uterine out of abdomen cavity in cesarean section
LIN Bai-qing,ZENG Yong-zhong,CAI Zhi-min.Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,Eighth Hospital of Fuzhou ,Fuzhou 350013,China
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the effects of carprost suppsitioria administration with surgical technique of holding uterine out of abdomen cavity in reducing hemorrhage during cesarean section.Methods 180 patients undergone cesarean sections for the first time in our hospital from July 2008 to May 2009 were observed in this study.All the patients had indications for cesarean section,including cephalopelvic disproportion,fetal distress,breech presentation,contracted pelvis and oligohydramnio.Conditions such as pregnancy complications,uterine dysfunction,polyhydramnio,twin pregnancy and other diseases causing bleeding were excluded in this study.Cases were divided into two groups.Each of them had 90 cases.There were no significant differencesin regard to patient’s age,gestational week,parity and neonate birth weight between these groups(P>0.05).Hemorrhage volumes were compared between the two groups.Results There were significant differences in the volumes of the hemorrhage between the two groups(P<0.01).Less hemorrhage were observed in the group which had administration of carprost suppsitioria with surgical technique of holding uterine out of abdomen cavity.Conclusion Administration of carprost suppsitioria 0.5 mg sublingually with surgical technique of holding uterine out of abdomen after delivery of placenta have good effects in reducing hemorrhage during cesarean section.
【Key words】Cesarean section; Uterine; Abdomen cavity; Carprost suppsitioria;Postpartum hemorrhage ......