当前位置: 首页 > 医学版 > 期刊论文 > 临床医学 > 中华急诊医学杂志 > 2010年 > 第11期 > 第8期
http://www.100md.com 2010年8月1日 《中国临床实用医学》
     【摘要】 目的 应用循证护理探讨乳癌术后放疗患者皮肤反应的有效干预方法。方法 根据76例患者产生皮肤反应的具体情况,提出护理问题,收集相关证据,结合实际制订切实可行的护理计划,采取相应的护理措施。结果 76例患者干预后皮肤反应均得以缓解,减轻了患者的痛苦,患者能顺利完成放射治疗,达到有效的照射剂量。结论 应用循证护理找出乳癌放疗患者皮肤损伤因素,采用循证护理寻求科学完整的护理方案,有助于提高护理质量。

    【关键词】 循证护理;乳癌;放疗;皮肤反应

    Application ofevidence-based nursing care in skin reactions after postoperation radiotherapy of breast cancer

    SUN Ming-zhi,SUN Ming-ying,DAI Hong-wei,et al.Department of Blood Center,the Second Hospital of Liaocheng,Shandong 252600,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the application of evidence-basednursing care and postoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer patients with skin reactions and effective means of intervention.Methods According to the specific conditions of 76 cases of cutaneous reactions in patients,propose nursing issue,collect relevant evidence,combined with the actual developmentand work outpractical nursing care plan,and take the appropriatenursing intervention.Results 76 patients with skin reactions after the intervention,were able to mitigate,to alleviate the suffering.The patient can completeradiation therapy successfully andachieve an effective expose dose.Conclusion Using evidence-based nursingcareto identify the factors of skin damage for breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy,explore scientific and integrity nursing programs,can improve the quality of care. ......
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