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[摘要] 目的 探讨输卵管性不孕的治疗方法,提高其妊娠率。方法 对2003年1月~2005年12月来我院就诊的不孕症患者中,患输卵管不畅、阻塞(输卵管性不孕)的患者,对采用输卵管内注药,配合口服止痛化徵胶囊加中药抗炎通管汤保留灌肠治疗的妊娠率与输卵管通畅的妊娠率进行比较;在此基础上,研究输卵管异常合并痛经、子宫内膜异位症的情况。结果 ①输卵管性不孕患者治疗后的妊娠率为38.63%,与输卵管通畅患者的妊娠率44.33%相近,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);②子宫内膜异位症患者输卵管异常发生率为80.56%,痛经患者输卵管异常发生率为59.91%;③子宫内膜异位症患者输卵管异常治疗后妊娠率为31.03%,痛经患者输卵管异常治疗后妊娠率为42.11%。结论 通过中西医结合治疗输卵管性疾病,可以使40%以上的输卵管性不孕患者妊娠,疗效肯定,安全易行,有其临床实用性,适合基层医院。
[关键词] 输卵管性不孕;保留灌肠;中药
[中图分类号] R711.6 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)23-149-02
Integrated Treatment of Tubal Infertility
WANG Caihong
Changping Chinese Medicine Hospital,Beijing 102218,China
[Abstract] Objective To study the treatment of tubal infertility,and improve their pregnancy rate. Methods From January 2003 to December 2005 to our hospital infertility patients,suffering from poor oviduct,blocking(tubal infertility),the use of injection drugs within the oviduct,with signs of oral pain of anti-Chinese Herbal Medicine Capsule Yan Tong Tang retention enema tube. Then studied the fallopian tube abnormalities combined dysmenorrhea,endometriosis situation. Results ①Treatment of tubal infertility after tubal pregnancy rate was 38.63% and 44.33% pregnancy rate in patients with unobstructed similar difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). ②Endometriosis patients with tubal abnormalities the incidence of 80.56%,while the incidence of tubal abnormalities in patients with dysmenorrhea 59.91%. ③Endometriosis patients with abnormal tubal pregnancy rate was 31.03% after treatment,while dysmenorrhea in patients with abnormal tubal pregnancy rate was 42.11% after treatment. Conclusion Integrative Medicine by tubal disease,can make over 40% of tubal infertility pregnancy,more effective,safe,easy and has its clinical relevance for primary hospital.
[Key words] Tubal Infertility;Retention enema;Chinese Medicine
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 研究方法
1.2.1 一般情况 通过询问病史进行全身体格检查及妇科检查、白带检查、阴超盆腔器官检查及排卵检测、子宫内膜活检、性激素测定等,了解患者不孕症病因。对痛经和子宫内膜异位症、合并输卵管疾病患者的妊娠率,进行了进一步探讨。
1.2.2 输卵管通畅检查 480例采取子宫输卵管碘油造影 ......