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http://www.100md.com 2011年12月25日 《中国现代医生》 2011年第36期
     [摘要] 本文报道了1例甲亢性心脏病并发甲减及重度子痫前期肾病综合征病例。甲状腺功能减低孕妇更易发生子痫前期、早产、低体重、胎婴儿先天畸形、围产儿死亡及胎婴儿身体及智力发育异常;妊娠期高血压疾病可以在血压正常时发病,应该引起重视以保证母儿安全,降低母儿病率及死亡率。

    [关键词] 甲亢性心脏病;甲减;子痫前期;肾病综合征

    [中图分类号] R541.85;R714.245 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2011)36-122-02

    Study on Hyperthyroid Cardiopathy Complicated with Pre-Eclampsia Nephritic Syndrome

    ZHANG Xueqin HUANG Huizhen NI Meilan YANG Fan

    Obstetrical Department,Xiamen City Maternal and Children Health Hospital,Xiamen 361003,China

    [Abstract] This paper reported a rare case of hyperthyroid cardiopathy secondary to hypothyroidism complicated with seriousLy pre-eclampsia nephritic syndrome. The pregnant women with decreased thyroid function are more likely to the risk of Pre-ecLampsia ......
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