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[摘要] 目的 探讨心血管住院患者感染的相关因素及防治对策。 方法 回顾性分析132例心血管住院感染患者的临床资料,统计医院感染的发生率及部位,分析冠心病患者医院感染高危因素。 结果 心血管住院患者的易感染部位为呼吸系统,感染发生率为12.59%;感染组死亡率显著高于无感染组(P<0.05);高龄、合并疾病、住院时间长、心功能低下及侵入性操作是冠心病住院患者医院感染的危险因素。 结论 心血管住院患者医院感染的发生与患者的年龄、住院时间、合并病症、心功能及侵入性操作密切相关,积极避免高危感染因素对控制感染的发生有积极意义。
[关键词] 心血管;医院感染;危险因素
[中图分类号] R540.4 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2012)01-030-02
Analysis of the relevant factors for nosocomial infection of cardiovascular hospitalization patients
XIA Zhirong MAO Rongbiao ZHANG Le
Medical Department, Xiaoshan District Hospital of TCM in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 311201, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the relevant factors for nosocomial infection of cardiovascular hospitalization patients. Methods Retrospective analysed the clinical data of 132 cardiovascular hospitalized patients with nosocomial infection, and analysed the incidence and location of nosocomial infection in all, and infection risk factors of coronary disease patients. Results Respiratory system was mostly infected. The incidence of nosocomial infection was 12.59%. The mortality rate of infection group was significantly higher than non-infected group (P<0.05). The age, length of stay, complications, cardiac function level and invasive procedures were the risk factors for nosocomial infection. Conclusion The age, length of stay, complications, cardiac function and invasive procedures were related to the nosocomial infection of cardiovascular hospitalization patients. Actively avoid the infection risk factors could effectively control the incidence infection.
[Key words] Cardiovascular; Nosocomial infection; Risk factors
医院是各种患者密集的场所, 环境易被病原微生物污染,从而为疾病传播提供外部条件,增加医院感染发生的几率。医院感染是心血管住院患者最为常见的并发症,可加重患者病情,甚至导致死亡,直接影响患者生存质量及预后[1,2]。医院感染与多种因素相关,本文对132例心血管住院患者的临床感染资料进行了回顾性分析,旨在探讨心血管住院患者的临床感染特征、相关因素和预防策略,总结临床预防心血管住院患者感染的经验,现报道如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
收集2008年9月~2011年6月我院收治的心血管住院患者1 048例,其中冠心病689例,风湿性心脏病178例,高血压心脏病117例,其他64例。发生医院感染132例,其中男77例,女55例,年龄41~78岁,平均年龄为(58.93±12.86)岁,病程3~13年,平均病程(8.32±4.43)年。冠心病74例,风湿性心脏病16例,高血压性心脏病13例,其他29例。按心功能评分,Ⅰ级4例,Ⅱ级27例,Ⅲ级57例,Ⅳ44例。行导尿管留置、静脉插管、气管插管、鼻饲、切开气管及使用呼吸机等侵入性操作者53例,使用广谱抗菌药物进行预防的患者33例。
1.2 方法
1.3 统计学方法
采用SPSS16 ......