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http://www.100md.com 2012年9月5日 马志波


     [摘要] 目的 探讨胸部X线摄影术和CT在胸壁结核中的诊断价值。 方法 总结我院25例胸壁结核的X线和CT影像特征,经手术或病理确认,比较两种检查方式结果的准确性。 结果 胸部X线摄影发现了肿块13例,CT全部25例均有发现,X线摄影对胸腔中的肿块发现有一定的难度;肿块的清晰度和周围组织的细微情况,X线摄影不清晰,而CT则能清晰显示。 结论 X线摄影术只能初步发现胸壁结核,CT扫描能清楚显示软组织肿块的精确位置和内部结构,以及肿块周边组织受损情况。对骨质受到的破坏情况,需CT甚至增强CT扫描才能了解详细情况。

    [关键词] X线摄影;CT诊断;胸壁结核

    [中图分类号] R816.4 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673—9701(2012)25—0090—02

    The discussion of CT and chest radiograph for diagnosis of chest wall tuberculosis

    MA Zhibo

    Department of Radiology, Qinzhou City Hospital of TCM in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Qinzhou 535000, China

    [Abstract] Objective To evaluate the role of CT or chest radiograph in diagnosis of chest wall tuberculosis. Methods To summerize 25 cases with chest wall tuberculosis confirmed by operation or pathologic performed by chest radiograph and plain CT, to compare the accuracy of the results. Results The chest radiograph found lumps in 13 cases, while CT showed all 25 cases. Conclusion The chest radiograph can only be taken preliminary findings of chest wall tuberculosis, while CT scan can clearly show the exact location of the soft tissue mass and internal structure, and surrounding tissue mass. The finding of the damage of bones will need CT or especially enhanced CT scan for showing the details.

    [Key words] Chest radiograph; CT diagnosis; Chest wall tuberculosis


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 病例资料


    1.2 仪器与方法

    所有患者均行常规胸部X线片扫描。CT机采用美国通用电气公司GE2000I型,对胸部从肺尖到肺底进行常规扫描,扫描层厚5~10 mm,层间距5~10 mm。病变部位将扫描层厚降为3~5 mm,7例患者采用了增强扫描方式。增强的方式为:使用浓度为300 mg/mL的碘普胺作为非离子型碘对比剂进行静脉注射,注射速率为(2~4) mL/s,对比剂注射后0.5 min、2 min和5 min分别扫描一次[2]。

    1.3 影像观察和判断


    2 结果

    25例患者的X线胸片结果中,因肿块凸进胸壁内侧,X线胸片扫描受角度和扫描能力的影响 ......
