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http://www.100md.com 2015年2月5日 中国现代医生 2015年第4期
     [摘要] 目的 探讨TBL教学法在医学本科和硕士生综合设计性实验中的应用。 方法 将本校2011级骨伤专业本科2班125名和2011级硕士生60名随机分为观察组本科生62名、硕士生30名,对照组本科生63名、硕士生30名。对照组采用传统教学法,将“家兔动脉血压的调节”和“影响尿生成因素观察”分多次实验独立做;观察组用TBL教学模式,把影响动脉血压和尿生成因素的观察重新设计成一次综合性实验。实验结束后,经小组自评、组间互评,对两组实验的预习报告和实验报告进行评分比较。 结果 观察组本科生实验总成绩显著高于对照组[(94.58±1.36) vs (75.61±2.31),P<0.01],观察组研究生实验总成绩显著高于对照组[(96.76±2.55) vs (78.54±1.72), P<0.01]。 结论 在生理学综合设计性实验中应用TBL教学法,能提高学生对实验的综合设计和动手操作能力,教学效果尤佳。

    [关键词] 团队教学法;血压;尿生成;实验教学

    [中图分类号] R-4 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-9701(2015)04-0120-03
, 百拇医药
    [Abstract] Objective To study feasibility of TBL teaching method in the comprehensive engineering experimental of undergraduate students and postgraduates teaching of physiology. Methods The 125 undergraduate students and 60 postgraduates in 2011 class professional of fractures was randomly divided into observation group and control group. There were 62 undergraduate students and 30 postgraduates in observation group, and there were 63 undergraduate students and 30 postgraduates in control group. The traditional teaching method was used in control group, the "Rabbits arterial blood pressure regulation" and "factors affecting urine formation observed" were complicated in multiple independent experiments, while TBL teaching mode was used in observation group, the arterial blood pressure and urine formation factors observed redesigned into a comprehensive experiment. After the experiment, the group underwent self-assessment and peer assessment between the two groups, and the scores of lab report and the first report of two experiments were recorded. Results The experimental scores of undergraduate students in the observation group were higher significantly than those in the control group [(94.58±1.36) vs (75.61±2.31), P<0.01], the experimental scores of postgraduates in observation group were higher than those in the control group [(96.76±2.55) vs(78.54±1.72), P<0.01]. Conclusion TBL teaching method may be feasibility in the physiology comprehensive engineering experimental teaching, the enthusiasm and comprehensive engineering experimental ability of undergraduate students are improved by TBL teaching, the teaching effect of TBL teaching method is better than traditional teaching.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words] Team-based learning(TBL); Blood pressure; Urine forming; Experimental teaching

    人体是由多系统构成的复杂整体,某一因素同时会影响到人体的多个器官与系统。比如去甲肾上腺素不仅作用于心血管系统升高血压,同时也作用于肾脏,使尿量减少。采用TBL(team-based learing)教学法,设计综合性实验不仅验证、巩固和理解基本的理论;而且使学生更全面、更系统地掌握知识,同时转变学生以往机械、被动的学习习惯,使学生学习和掌握综合实验的设计,培养学生局部与整体辩证关系的科学思维方法,训练学生的自主学习能力,提高动手、观察、分析及解决问题等综合能力,激发想象力和创新能力及团队合作等多种能力[1-3]。, http://www.100md.com(尚立芝等)
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