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http://www.100md.com 2015年11月5日 《中国现代医生》 2015年第31期
     [摘要] 目的 了解朝阳区医务人员职业倦怠状况与人口学特征的关系。 方法 2014年3月采用Maslach倦怠量表(MBI-HSS)对朝阳区5447例医务人员进行调查。 结果 (1)医务人员处于中度情绪衰竭、轻度情感淡漠和中度低成就感状态。(2)不同岗位医务人员轻中重度职业倦怠构成比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),护理人员情绪衰竭得分构成比与其他岗位医务人员比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),公共卫生人员低成就感得分构成比与其他岗位医务人员比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(3)女性情绪衰竭得分构成比与男性比较差异有统计学意义,中重度者(51.76%)要多于男性(47.4%)。(4)不同工龄医务人员轻中重度职业倦怠三个维度构成比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),工作20年以上医务人员的情绪衰竭、情感淡漠、低成就感得分构成比与其他各工龄段人员比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 朝阳区医务人员的职业倦怠状况亟待关注。

    [关键词] 职业倦怠;医务人员;情绪衰竭;低成就感;心理健康

    [中图分类号] R197.2 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2015)31-0115-05

    The research on job burnout of medical staff of Chaoyang district in Beijing

    CHEN Kaihong1 DING Lu2 ZHOU Lianhong3 LIU Zhenghua4 MAI Qingqing4 ZHANG Manhua5 XU Wei2 XU Huili6 KONG Chuiliu4 CHENG Shuyan7 SONG Jun6 TIAN Huini6 LIU Yiye6 CUI Shufeng3 MENG Haiying3 MA Nina5 ZHU Jie5 LUO Fengji3

    1.The Public Health Association of Chaoyang District in Beijing, Beijing 100021, China; 2.Department of Psychological Rehabilitation, The Third Hospital of Chaoyang District in Beijing, Beijing 100025, China; 3.Beijing Chaoyang Center for Diseases Prevention and Control, Beijing 100021, China; 4.Beijing Chaoyang Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning, Beijing 100026, China; 5.Capital Medical University School of Health Management and Education, Psychology Department, Beijing 100069, China; 6.Beijing Chaoyang Center for Mental Diseases Prevention and Control, Beijing 100025, China; 7.Beijing Chaoyang Balizhuang Community Health Service Center, Beijing 100025, China

    [Abstract] Objective To study the job burnout status of medical staffs in Chaoyang District in Beijing and analyze the correlativity between job burnout and the demographic characteristics. Methods On march 2014, the data had been collected by using Maslach Burnout Inventory on 5447 medical staff from Health and Medical Institutions in Chaoyang District in Beijing. Results (1)Medical staffs in Chaoyang District were in moderate level of emotional exhaustion, mild level of depersonalization and moderate level of personal accomplishment; (2) There were significant differences in constituent ratio of job burnout among medical staff at different post(P<0.05); There were significant difference existed in the constituent ratio of emotional exhaustion between nurses and other medical staff(P<0.05). The constituent ratio of personal accomplishment in public health people was significant different from the other medical staff (P<0.05); (3) There were significant difference existed in the constituent ratio of emotional exhaustion between female and male (P<0.05). There were more female medical staff in serious emotional exhaustion(51.76%) than male(47.4%); (4) There were significant differences in constituent ratio of job burnout in medical staff with different length of service (P<0.05). The constituent ratio of emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment and depersonalization in medical staff who work more than 20 years was significant different from the others (P<0.05). Conclusion We should pay more attention to the job burnout status of medical staff., 百拇医药(陈开红 丁璐 周连红 刘政华 麦青青 张曼华 徐唯 徐会利 孔垂柳 程淑艳 宋)
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