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http://www.100md.com 2016年5月5日 《中国现代医生》 2016年第13期
     [摘要] 目的 探讨手术治疗Lisfranc关节损伤的临床效果分析。 方法 回顾性分析手术治疗的50例Lisfranc关节损伤患者,按Myerson分类,中柱损伤33例,内中柱损伤10例,三柱损伤7例,开放患者急诊手术7例,闭合患者43例消肿后于1周内手术。 结果 所有患者均随访半年至5年不等,平均3年,采用美国矫形足踝协会(AOFAS)评分评价术后功能情况,50例中≥90分22例,≥80分16例,≥70分7例,<70分5例,平均87分,优良率90%。 结论 手术治疗Lisfranc关节损伤能够重建Lisfranc复合体的稳定性,可取得满意疗效,值得临床推广。

    [关键词] Lisfranc损伤;外科手术;内固定;跗舟关节

    [中图分类号] R687.3 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2016)13-0078-03

    Observation on the clinical effect of the surgical treatment of Lisfranc injuries

    YANG Yong SHEN Zhaoliang LIU Yijun

    Department of Fifith Orthopaedics, the 2nd Hospital of Jinzhou City in Liaoning Province, Jinzhou 121003, China

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical effects and values of surgical treatment for Lisfranc fracture-dislocation. Methods A retrospective study was made on 50 patients with Lisfranc injuries who received surgical treatment. According to Myerson`s classification, there were 33 cases of middle column injuries, 10 cases of medial-middle column injuries and 7 cases of three-column injuries. Among them, 7 patients accepted the emergency operation and 43 cases with closed injury were treated when detumescence in average 1 week. Results All cases were followed up for 6 months to 5 years(average 3 years). According to American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) evaluation scores for the 50 cases, there were 22 cases ≥90 points,16 cases≥80 points, 7 cases≥70 points, 5 cases<70 points. The average score was 87 points, qualified ratio was 90%. Conclusion Lisfranc injuries can be surgically treated well and reestablish the stability of joint complex. It is worthy of extensive application because of the satisfactory effects.

    [Key words] Lisfranc injury;Surgical operation;Internal fixation;Cymbium joint

    Lisfranc关节又叫跖跗关节,由法国医生Jacques Lisfranc命名,是跖骨、楔骨、骰骨以及附属韧带组成的复合体,连接前足和中足[1-3]。Lisfranc关节损伤约占全身骨折的0.2%,是中足的一种严重损伤,由于其独特的解剖学特点,临床上极易漏诊,继而导致不良预后[4-6]。随着现代社会发展和交通事故、建筑事故的发生,Lisfranc关节损伤的发生率呈逐年上升趋势。我院自2009年10月~2014年10月手术治疗Lisfranc关节损伤患者50例,疗效满意,现报道如下。

    1 资料与方法



    1.2 手术入路

    腰麻生效后,患肢取仰卧位,上气压止血带,常规消毒铺巾,以跖跗关节为中心,踇长伸肌腱外侧切口,显露1~3跖跗关节,注意保护足背动脉及腓深神经,先复位中柱,用点状复位钳沿Lisfranc韧带方向固定,行克氏针临时固定,并沿Lisfranc韧带方向拧入4 mm直径的空心螺钉;继而复位1、3跖附关节,以克氏针固定第5跖骨基底于骰骨,复位标准:在正位X线片上,内侧楔骨与第1跖骨内外侧缘分别在一条直线上,中间楔骨与第2跖骨内侧缘在一条直线上,1、2跖骨基底间隙和内中楔骨间隙<2 mm,跖跗骨轴线<15°,跖骨在跖背侧面无移位。本组患者均行切开复位内固定术,一期固定,35例采用空心钉结合克氏针固定,3例采用克氏针固定,2例采用钢板固定,螺钉和钢板固定内侧柱和中柱,外侧柱采用克氏针固定,术后患肢功能位短腿石膏托固定6周,视情况决定能否去除外固定,并扶双拐不负重练习,术后8周拔除克氏针逐渐负重练习,术后16周取出内固定物,逐渐负重行走。, 百拇医药(杨勇 沈兆亮 刘亦军)
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