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http://www.100md.com 2012年3月5日 《中外医疗》 20127
     【摘要】目的 探讨晚期癌症患者临终关怀的护理体会;方法 选择我院2009年12月~2010年12月以来与我院进行治疗的癌症晚期患者24例,通过临终关怀以及各项护理措施,延长患者存活时间,提高癌症晚期患者生存质量;结果 临床关怀在一定程度上起到了改善癌症晚期患者生存质量的目的;结论 各种护理措施配合得当,才能够做到给癌症晚期患者以人性化的护理,让帮助患者走完人生的最后一段路程。

    【关键词】晚期癌症 临终关怀 护理

    【中图分类号】R473【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1674-0742(2012)03(a)-0000-0

    Hospice patients with advanced cancer nursing

    【Abstract】Objective To investigate patients with advanced cancer hospice nursing; Methods The hospital in December 2009 to 2010 with the hospital since December for treatment of 24 patients with advanced cancer, by the hospice and nursing care, prolong survival time and improve quality of life in patients with advanced cancer; Results The clinical care to some extent played to improve the quality of life of cancer patients with advanced purpose; Conclusion variety of nursing care with properly, it can do to a human cancer patients with advanced of care, help patients make the final journey through life.

    【Key Words】advanced;cancer hospice; care

    癌症是各种恶性肿瘤的统称 ......

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