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http://www.100md.com 2016年3月5日 中外医疗2016年第7期
     [摘要] 研究乳腺癌中超声的应用现状及进展。该文对中外相关文献予以查阅,就乳腺癌超声检查的具体方法、诊断及其相关应用价值进行分析并综述。乳腺癌检查的首选方法之一则为超声成像,其优势明显且带有一定局限性。乳腺癌超声检查的主要方式为,彩色多普勒超声及高频探头的实际应用。针对乳腺肿瘤良恶性甄别,诸如超声弹性成像、三维超声及超声造影为其提供优质的信息支撑。随着超声呈现技术的不断发展和进步,其在乳腺癌诊查当中作用日益突出。

    [Abstract] To study the application status and progress of ultrasound in the breast cancer. The specific method, diagnosis and related application value of ultrasonic examination of breast cancer are analyzed referring to Chinese and foreign literature. Echography is one of the preferred methods of breast cancer examination with obvious advantages and a certain limitation. The color Doppler ultrasound and the practical application of high frequency probe are the main methods of ultrasonic examination of breast cancer. Ultrasonic elastography ......
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