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http://www.100md.com 2016年9月15日 《中外医疗》2016年第26期
     [摘要] 目的 探讨注射用甲强龙与头孢替安联合依匹斯汀片口服治疗白细胞升高性急性荨麻疹疗效,为临床制定合理治疗方案提供可参考的依据。方法 方便选取并回顾性分析该院门诊及住院部2013年1月—2015年1月治疗的白细胞升高性急性荨麻疹患者80例,随机分为研究组和对照组,每组40例。其中研究组用甲强龙与头孢替安静滴联合依匹斯汀口服;对照组单用甲强龙静滴与依匹斯汀口服,治疗1个周期(4 d)。比较两组疗效前后的是否合并全身症状,皮肤瘙痒程度和皮损面积大小。结果 研究组在治疗4 d过程中有效率达到90%,对照组则为47.5%,研究组有效率明显高于对照组,经过统计学处理,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000<0.001)。结论 注射用甲强龙与头孢替安联合依匹斯汀口服治疗白细胞升高性急性荨麻没有明显的不良反应,疗效确切,有效率高,有一定的临床应用价值。

    [关键词] 甲强龙;头孢替安;依匹斯汀;白细胞升高性急性荨麻疹

    [中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2016)09(b)-0121-04

    [Abstract] Objective To observe the efficacy of methylprednisolone and cefotiam for injection combined with oral medication of epinastine for the treatment of acute urticaria with increase in leucocytes and provide reference for the development of reasonabl clincial therapeutic regimens. Methods Convenient selection 80 patients with acute urticaria with increase in leucocytes who received treatment at the outpetiant and inpatient depapartments of our hosptial from Janurary 2013 to Janurary 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. These patients were divided into research group and control group, 40 cases for each group. The research group was treated with IV drip of methylprednisolone and cefotiam and oral medication of epinastine, while the control group with IV drip of methylprednisolone alone and oral medication of epinastine for one period (four days). Results During the course of therapy, the effective rate of the research group was 90%, singificantly higher than that of the control group was 47.5%, and statsitical process showed a significant difference between these two groups(P=0.000<0.001). Conclusion For the treatment of acute urticaria with increase in leucocytes, methylprednisolone and cefotiam for injection combined with oral medication of epinastine causes no obvious adverse effects, and has an exact effect, high efficiency and certain clinical application value.

    [Key words] Methylprednisolone; Cefotiam; Epinastine;Acute urticaria with increase in leucocytes

    在临床中治疗白细胞升高的急性荨麻疹时,传统治疗是寻找可疑感染灶等待培养出病原体再选择对病原体敏感的抗生素。但是急性荨麻疹病情急,其主要的临床表现为局部或全身突发水肿性红斑风团,伴瘙痒。经常伴有胃肠道表现如恶心、呕吐、腹痛腹泻,严重时呼吸道表现如胸闷、哮喘、呼吸困难,心血管表现如晕厥、心悸、面色苍白、四肢冰凉、低血压、过敏性休克等全身症状。等待培养病原体的过程可能会延误治疗,增加了发生呼吸困难休克等严重并发症的机率。白细胞升高性急性荨麻疹是由多种不同因素造成的,目前大多数患者对自己的病情认识不清,甚至有患者盲目拒绝糖皮质激素与抗生素的应用,导致疾病没有得到及时的治疗,从而导致迁延不愈或者出现呼吸困难休克等严重并发症。该文在分析白细胞升高性急性荨麻疹时,早期使用激素甲强龙加抗组胺药联合抗生素头孢替安来治疗(4 d的有效率达90%),达到了迅速控制患者症状,迅速治愈疾病,比早期只用激素加抗组胺药(4 d的有效率为47.5%),更快缓解患者痛苦的目的[1]。该研究对2013年1月—2015年1月该院门诊及住院部治疗的80例白细胞升高性急性荨麻疹患者进行临床观察,现报道如下。

    1 资料与方法 (黄清珍)
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