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http://www.100md.com 2009年3月25日 《中国当代医药》 2009年第9期

     [摘要] 目的:了解门诊高血压患者的血压控制状况。方法:对门诊就诊的89例原发性高血压患者随测血压。结果:发现64.04%的患者门诊随诊血压高于正常,21.35%为正常高值。只有14.61%的患者血压控制在正常范围。结论:提高高血压患者健康保健知识,加强血压监测,采用综合措施是提高高血压控制率的关键。

    [关键词] 高血压;健康教育;控制率

    [中图分类号]R544[文献标识码]B [文章编号]1674-4721(2009)05(a)-157-02

    An analysis of control state of blood pressure for clinic patients with essential hypertension

    WANG Chunyi1, WANG Qiuyue2

    (1.Affiliated Hospital of Northeast University, Shenyang 110004,China; 2.Department of Endoc Rinology, the First Affliated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110004,China)

    [Abstract] Objective: This study is aimed to find out the control state of blood pressure of patients with essential hypertension. Methods: The blood pressure of 89 clinic patients with essential hypertension was measured stochastically. Results: It was found that the blood pressure of 64.04% patients was higher than the normal values and that of 21.35% patients was within the normal blood pressure range, but with a higher value. The blood pressure of only 14.61% patients was controlled be within the normal values. Conclusion: The key to the increase in the control rate of hypertension is to broaden patients health protection knowledge, to monitor intensively blood pressure, and to use comprehensive measures. ......

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