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[摘要] 目的:评价中药小儿定喘方治疗儿童哮喘的临床疗效,为进一步阐述其药理机制提供临床佐证。方法:40例临床诊断为儿童哮喘的患儿随机分成两组,每组各20例,治疗组选用中药小儿定喘方治疗,对照组不用中药方治疗,两组哮喘儿童的常规治疗相同,疗程为1个月。观察疗效及药物的不良反应。结果:中药小儿定喘方治疗组治愈12例,显效6例,无效2例,有效率为90%;对照组治愈5例,显效6例,无效9例,有效率为55%。两组资料用确切概率法统计学检验,P=0.031,差异有统计学意义。在治疗过程中未发现有明显的毒副作用。结论:中药小儿定喘方治疗儿童哮喘的临床疗效肯定且安全,它为儿童哮喘的临床治疗提供了有用可靠的中医途径。
[关键词] 小儿定喘方;儿童哮喘;疗效评价
[中图分类号] R725.6 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1674-4721(2010)04(b)-081-02
The evaluation of clinical curative effect of the traditional Chinese medicine Xiaoerdingchuan formula to treat children’s asthma
HUANG Jianjun, ZHAO Chunling, TONG Zhijie, LIN Lijing, ZHAO Mingqi, MIAO Xiangyi, YU Le, ZHOU Jun
(Guangzhou Children's Hospital, Guangzhou 510120, China)
[Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the clinical therapeutic effect of the Chinese traditional medicine Xiaoerdingchuan formula to treat children's asthma. Methods: 40 cases of asthmatic children were divided into 2 groups randomly, each group with 20 cases, the therapy group being used the traditional medicine formula, while the control group having the same treatments with the therapy group except the traditional medicine formula, the whole treatment course for one month. The two groups were observed efficacy and adverse drug reactions. Results: The therapy group with Chinese traditional medicine Xiaoerdingchuan formula, there were 12 cases of cure, 6 cases of excellence and 2 case of inefficiency respectively; the effective power ratebeing was 90%, while there were 5 cases of cure in the control group, 6 cases of excellence and 9 cases of inefficiency respectively; the effective power ratewas 55%. The difference between the two groups was significant, P<0.05. The toxic and side-effects were not found during the whole treatment course. Conclusion: The clinical therapeutic effect of the Chinese traditional medicine Xiaoerdingchuan formula to treat with the children's asthma was certain and safe. It provides a useful and reliable way to treat with the children’s asthma.
[Key words] Xiaoerdingchuan formula; Children's asthma; Therapeutic effect evaluation
儿童哮喘是一种严重危害儿童身心健康的呼吸系统疾病。目前,儿童哮喘的治疗主要是以吸入糖皮质激素和支气管扩张剂的西医治疗为主,其疗效是确切的,但也有诸多问题和不利因素。在我国,中医药在治疗儿童哮喘方面也有其独到之处,并取得良好的效果。现代医学也从细胞和分子水平阐述了中药在哮喘发病中的作用。中药小儿定喘方是本院名中医研制的治疗儿童哮喘的中药方剂,已在临床应用20余年,对缓解和控制哮喘有良好的临床效果,深得同行和患者认可 ......