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[摘要] 目的:检测当地女性乳腺疾病的发病情况,探讨开展群体乳腺疾病普查的可行方法,达到早期发现,早期诊断,早期治疗,提高患病妇女的生活质量。方法:采用问卷调查和乳腺检查两种方法,调查和检测不同女性的乳腺发病情况。对全县15 100名妇女进行了免费健康检查,利用红外线乳腺检查仪进行检查。根据乳腺疾病普查资料进行回顾性分析,采用统计学检验方法对各种乳腺疾病的检出率进行年龄分段分析。结果:被检查的15 100名女性中,乳腺疾病患病率为56.94%,且集中在30~40岁年龄组。其中乳腺增生8 432名,乳腺纤维瘤59 名,其他乳腺良性肿瘤 56名,乳腺癌 51 名,经多因素Logistic回归分析显示,乳腺疾病与年龄、职业、文化程度、性格特点、流产次数、初潮年龄等多因素有关。结论:通过调查分析乳腺疾病的危险因素和加大乳腺保健知识的宣传力度,倡导健康的生活习惯,降低群体患病率。
[关键词] 乳腺疾病;普查;乳腺增生
[中图分类号] R172 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1674-4721(2010)04(c)-124-03
Mammary Gland Disease's Morbidity Present Situation and Analysis
LI Huanyun,WANG Xiuli,CAO Jun,LI Jian
(Lulong County, Hebei Province,Family Planning and Reproductive Health Centers, Hebei ,Lulong066400,China)
[Abstract] Objective: To detect the local women, the incidence of breast disease, breast disease groups to explore the census carried out a feasible way to achieve early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment and improve quality of life of affected women. Methods: A questionnaire survey and breast-screening of two parts, on the conduct of county 15 100 women a free health checkup, and the use of infra-red breast-screening instrument was breast-screening. Breast disease were retrospectively analyzed census data, using statistical χ2 test a variety of breast disease detection rate of sub-analysis of the age. Results: checked 15 100 women, breast disease prevalence rate of 56.94%, and concentrated in 30 to 40-year-old age group. Of which 8 432 cases of breast hyperplasia, breast fibroma 59 cases, 56 cases of other benign breast tumor, breast cancer in 51 cases, after multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that breast disease and age, occupation, education, personality characteristics, the number of abortions, age at menarche Multi-factors and other factors. Conclusion: Breast disease risk factors, should increase knowledge of breast health care propaganda, promoting a healthy lifestyle, reducing its prevalence.
[Key words] Mammary gland disease;General survey;Mammary gland proliferation
乳腺增生病又称乳腺结构不良,是乳腺实质和间质不同程度地增生与复旧不全所致的乳腺结构在数量和形态上的异常,既非炎症,亦非肿瘤 ......