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[摘要] 目的:分析2008年泰安市岱岳区手足口病的流行病学特征,并提出预防控制对策。方法:应用描述流行病学方法,对2008年泰安市岱岳区手足口病患者进行三间分布的统计学分析。结果:泰安市岱岳区2008年报告手足口患者422例,分布在18个乡镇办事处,发病最多的是粥店街道办事处99例,患者最少的是角峪镇2例;聚集性患者主要发生在幼儿园;发病主要集中在10~12月,占全年发病的53.32%;以1~5岁儿童为主,占发病的87.20%;散居儿童占66.59%,托幼儿童占29.62%,学生占3.79%。结论:泰安市岱岳区2008年手足口病以1~5岁儿童为主,与高发地区接壤的乡镇办事处发病较多,第4季度发病达到高峰,要高度重视手足口病防控工作,树立群防群控意识,强化措施,狠抓落实。
[关键词] 手足口病;流行病学;防控措施
[中图分类号] R725.1[文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1674-4721(2010)10(c)-131-02
Tai'an Daiyue district at 2008 hand-foot-mouth disease epidemic situation and prevention countermeasures
MA Qiuyun1, ZHANG Kehua2, BI Feng2
(1.Shandong Tai'an Daiyue District Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tai'an 271000, China; 2.Shandong Tai'an Daiyue District Xiazhang Town Hospital, Tai'an 271023, China)
[Abstract] Objective: Analysis 2008 Tai'an Daiyue district hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) epidemiology characteristics, and put forward prevention and control measures. Methods: Application describe epidemiological methods, In 2009 Tai'An DaiYue district HFMD patients between the statistical distribution of Three interval. Results: Tai'An DaiYue district 2008 reported HFMD 422 example, distributed in the 18 villages and towns. Most of the Zhoudian street offices cases 99, at least 2 cases Jiaoyu town; Disease main focued on October-December, for the 53.32% of disease; 1-5 years old children as main, the rate of total number was 87.20%; the rate of children live scattered was 66.59%; All the children's nursery was 29.62%; the students rate was 3.79% on children. Conclusion: Tai'an Daiyue district 2008 HFMD pathogenesis of children aged 1-5 for most, with an area of villages and towns bordering patients more, The fourth quarter disease occurrence peak. Pay attention to HFMD control, establish prevention and control of consciousness, strengthening work measures, strengthen task execution.
[Key words] HFMD; Epidemiology; Prevention and control measures
手足口病(HFMD)是婴幼儿常见的传染病,由肠道病毒引起,临床上以发热和手、足、口腔等部位出现皮疹、溃疡等表现为主,个别患者可引起心肌炎、肺水肿、无菌性脑膜炎等致命性并发症。手足口病于1957年在加拿大首次被报道,新西兰Seddon于1957年最早加以描述,1958年加拿大Robinson分离出柯萨奇病毒16型(CoxA16)[1],1972年肠道病毒71型(EV71)在美国被首次确认[2] ......