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[摘要] 目的:探讨血液净化技术在重症监护病房中的应用。方法:选取2008年6月~2009年6月本院重症监护病房中收治的53例急、慢性肾功能衰竭、抗压综合征、急性胰腺炎、爆发性中毒性心肌炎等疾病患者,53例患者分别应用血液透析、血液滤过、血液透析滤过、腹膜透析等血液净化技术进行治疗。结果:血液净化技术对重症监护病房患者治疗效果明显,本组53例患者病情均明显好转,治疗平均康复率均达70%以上。结论:在现代医学领域中,血液净化技术的发明与应用具有划时代的现实意义,并且取得了令人满意的临床疗效。在未来的重症监护病房中,医护人员要根据患者的实际病情和身体情况,逐步强化血液净化技术的应用水平,以确保患者及早恢复身体健康,免受疾病困扰。
[关键词] 血液净化;ICU;现代临床医学
[中图分类号] R45 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2011)01(b)-032-02
Application of blood purification in intensive care unit
ZHANG Chengxuan, XU Fuliang, JIANG Qinjuan, HUANG Yang, LI Yubing
(First Hospital of Yueyang City, Hunan Province, Yueyang 414000,China)
[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the blood purification in intensive care unit application. Methods: Chose June 2008 to June 2009 6 months in the hospital intensive care unit 53 patients with acute and chronic renal failure, compression syndrome, acute pancreatitis, myocarditis and other toxic outbreak of disease, 53 cases were applied hemodialysis, hemofiltration, hemodiafiltration, peritoneal dialysis, blood purifying agent technology for the treatment. Results: The blood purification treated patients in the intensive care unit, the treatment effect was significant, condition of 53 patients in this group were significantly better, the average recovery rate was 70% or more. Conclusion: In the field of modern medicine, blood purification technology and application of the invention has great practical significance, and has made a satisfactory clinical efficacy. In the future intensive care unit, medical staff according to the actual condition of patients and body, and gradually intensify the level of blood purification technology to ensure that patients in the early restoration of good health and free from disease, distress.
[Key words] Blood purification; ICU; Modern clinical medicine
在现代临床医学中,血液净化技术主要应用于急、慢性肾功能衰竭、抗压综合征、急性胰腺炎、爆发性中毒性心肌炎等重症监护病房患者的治疗,在重症患者的抢救与紧急处理中发挥了重要的作用。应用血液净化技术进行重症监护病房患者治疗,其主要目的是以健康的血液注入患者体内,替代丧失功能的肾脏血液组织,并且有效清除患者体内其他有毒物质[1]。在国内临床医学中,根据血液净化技术应用原理、装置和技术的不同,通常将其分为血液透析、单纯体外超滤、序贯透析、血液滤过、血液灌流、血浆置换和腹膜透析等具体操作技术与环节[2]。在这些血液净化技术治疗过程中不仅能在一定程度上清除积聚在患者体内的代谢废物或毒物,而且也能矫正这些患者所呈现的水、电解质和酸碱失衡,以保持机体内环境的相对稳定性 ......