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[摘要] 目的:分析核医学检查在临床应用中的实用性、准确性。方法:2008年7月31日~2009年7月31日本院共225例0~14岁的儿童申请核医学检查。申请项目分别是甲状腺检查,消化道出血检查,肾动态+GFR检查,全身骨扫描。结果:甲状腺显像阳性率为41.3%,消化道出血检查阳性率为21.7%,双肾扫描中阳性率高达84.7%,全身骨扫描阳性率为47.1%。结论:核医学检查由于有较强的辐射损伤因而在婴幼儿童的检查中应用不多,但在以上4个项目中有其他检查所不可替代的优势,值得临床推广。
[关键词] 婴幼儿;核医学;甲状腺;消化道出血;肾动态+GFR 全身骨扫描
[中图分类号] R81 [文献标识码] C[文章编号] 1674-4721(2011)07(c)-129-02
Summary of nuclear medicine examination in infants and young children
LUO Yingchun, ZOU Dehuan, ZHU Xusheng
Nuclear Medicine Department, Guangzhou First Municipal People′s Hospital, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510180, China
[Abstract] Objective: To analyze the availability and accuracy of nuclear medicine examination in clinical application. Methods: From July 31, 2008 to July 31, 2009, a total of 225 children aged 0 to 14 applied for nuclear medicine examination in our hospital. The applications included thyroid examination, gastrointestinal bleeding examination, renal dynamic+GFR examination and whole body bone scan. Results: The positive rate of thyroid imaging was 41.3%, gastrointestinal bleeding examination 21.7%, renal scan of both kidneys as high as 84.7% and whole body bone scan 47.1%. Conclusion: Due to the strong radiation damage of nuclear medicine examination, it is rarely applied among children. But in the above four items, it has irreplaceable advantages over other examinations, thereby worthy of clinical promotion.
[Key words] Young children; Nuclear medicine; Thyroid gland; Gastrointestinal bleeding; Renal dynamic +GFR; Whole body bone scan
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
病例来自市儿童医院以及本院儿科的患病儿童。在 2008年7月31日~2009年7月31日,1年间共有225例年龄为0~14岁的婴幼儿童来本科做核医学检查。男性幼儿142例,女性幼儿83例。其中甲状腺检查46例,消化道出血检查60例,肾动态+GFR检查85例,全身骨扫描34例。
1.2 显像剂及仪器
1.2.1 甲状腺颈部部位检查用99mTcO4ˉ淋洗液做甲状腺及颈部成像,剂量为111 MBq*(年龄+1)/(年龄+7)。
1.2.2 消化道出血“首先要停止使用止血药,并空腹。对便血贫血病儿,先确定便血的颜色,如便血较为鲜艳,下消化道出血的可能性较大,肠黏膜炎、血管畸形破裂出血等要选用-RBC作显像剂。大便颜色黯沉,怀疑有Meckel′s憩室或小肠重复畸形,以及不明原因的腹部包块可选用99mTcO4ˉ淋洗液做剂量显像剂。两者剂量均为剂量为370 MBq*(年龄+1)/(年龄+7)。
1.2.3 肾动态扫描“对双肾血流灌注和肾小球滤过率测定,因DTPA属肾小球过滤性显像剂,且能快速随尿液排至膀胱,可首选DTPA作显像剂。检查前的饮水为300~500 ml。注射剂量为111~185 MBq。对肾积水、肾发育不良、异位肾、重复肾以及肾的功能和排泻上,因新生儿肾小球滤过率低,且双半胱氨酸EC对肾小管首次通过摄取率高,本底相对较低,因此,常用它来做显像剂。剂量视其年龄和体重而定,范围为111~185 MBq ......