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http://www.100md.com 2015年5月5日 中国医学创新 2015年第13期
     【摘要】 目的:探讨联合应用甘精胰岛素与二甲双胍缓释片治疗初诊2型糖尿病的疗效。方法:病例资料来源于本社区2013年1月-12月诊治的初诊2型糖尿病患者65例。随机分成两组,对照组33例患者给予二甲双胍缓释片1片/d,同时每晚皮下注射诺和灵N;研究组32例患者给予二甲双胍缓释片1片/d,每晚皮下注射甘精胰岛素。对两组治疗前后空腹血糖(FBG),用餐2 h后血糖(PBG)及糖化血红蛋白(HbA1C)含量进行分析比较。结果:研究组治疗总有效率为90.9%,明显高于对照组71.9%,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);研究组治疗后各项指标均有明显改善,两组比较差异均有统计学意义 (P<0.05)。结论:联合应用甘精胰岛素与二甲双胍缓释片治疗初诊2型糖尿病疗效显著,有利于改善患者的症状,不但具有较好的降糖效果,且低血糖发生率更低,安全性好,值得推广及应用。

    【关键词】 甘精胰岛素; 二甲双胍缓释片; 初诊2型糖尿病; 系统性评价

    【Abstract】 Objective: To explore the efficacy of the combination of glargine insulin and metformin extended release tablets in the treatment of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Method: 65 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes were admitted in our community from January 2013 to December and were randomly divided into two groups, the control group was given a daily extended release metformin tablets and nightly subcutaneous Novolin N, the study group was given a daily extended release metformin tablets and nightly subcutaneous insulin glargine. Fasting blood glucose (FBG), two hours after meal blood glucose (PBG) and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) content of two groups before and after treatment were analyzed and compared.Result: The total efficiency rate of treatment of the study group was 90.9%,significantly higher than the control group of 71.9%, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01);the indicators of the study group after treatment were significantly improved, and significantly than the control group the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion: The combination of glargine insulin and metformin extended release tablets in the treatment of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic has efficacy significantly and helpful to improve the symptoms, not only has good hypoglycemic effect, and has a lower incidence of hypoglycemia, security is good,it is worthy promotion and application.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Glargine insulin; Metformin extended release tablets; Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes; Systemic evaluation

    First-author’s address:Dongguan Nancheng Street Community Health Service Center,Dongguan 523000,China


, 百拇医药
    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 选取20l3年1月-12月间初诊2型糖尿病患者65例,其中男32例,女33例,年龄43~69岁,平均(49.6±4.7)岁。全部患者均符合中华医学会糖尿病学分会建议在我国人群中采用WHO(1999)诊断标准[4]。患者均已了解治疗用药方案并签署了知情同意书,自愿接受治疗安排。将65例患者随机分成研究组与对照组,研究组患者33例,其中男17例,女16例,年龄44~69岁,平均(49.7±4.6)岁,空腹血糖7.0~8.1 mmol/L,7例轻度异常;8.1~14.1 mmol/L,14例中度异常;空腹血糖>14.1 mmol/L,12例重度异常。对照组患者32例,其中男15例,女l7例,年龄43~68岁,平均(49.5±5.5)岁,空腹血糖7.0~8.1 mmol/L,6例轻度异常;8.1~14.1 mmol/L,13例中度异常;空腹血糖>14.1 mmol/L,13例重度异常。两组病例的性别构成、年龄结构及病情症状比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。, 百拇医药(王谏珠 刘旭明 吴秋兰)
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