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http://www.100md.com 2018年2月25日 《中国医学创新》 2018年第6期
     【摘要】 目的:探討参麦注射液对重度烧伤患者围术期心肺功能的影响。方法:选取本院2015年7月-2016年12月重度烧伤择期手术患者60例,按照随机数字表法分为对照组和参麦组,各30例。参麦组分别于术前24 h、麻醉诱导前30 min及术后24 h静脉滴注参麦注射液,对照组相同时刻分别静脉滴注氯化钠注射液。比较术前输注参麦注射液或氯化钠注射液前即刻(T0)、麻醉诱导后即刻(T1)、麻醉后12 h(T2)、24 h(T3)、48 h(T4)的呼吸指数(RI)、肺泡-动脉血氧分压差[P(A-a)O2)]、血清肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-8(IL-8)、丙二醛(MDA)、肌酸激酶同工酶(CKMB)。结果:T2、T3时,两组P(A-a)DO2、RI、TNF-α、MDA、IL-6、IL-8均较T0时升高,但参麦组上升幅度均低于对照组,比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在重度烧伤手术患者中,围术期静滴参麦注射液能够发挥一定的心肺保护作用,改善肺换气功能,对于改善重度烧伤患者的预后有着积极的意义。
, http://www.100md.com
    【关键词】 参麦注射液; 心肺功能; 烧伤

    Effect of Shenmai Injection on Cardio-pulmonary Function in Patients with Severe Burn during Perioperative Period/WANG Shigao,XIAO Zhiqiang,ZHOU Kun,et al.//Medical Innovation of China,2018,15(06):039-042

    【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the effect of Shenmai Injection on cardiopulmonary function in patients with severe burn during perioperative period.Method:A total of 60 patients with severe burn elective surgery from July 2015 to December 2016 were selected,according to the random digital table method,they were divided into control group and Shenmai group,30 cases in each group.Shenmai group was injected with Shenmai Injection intravenously 24 h before operation,30 min before anesthesia and 24 h after operation,and control group was intravenously injected with Sodium Chloride Injection at the same time.The respiratory index(RI),alveolar arterial oxygen pressure difference [P(A-a)O2)],tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),interleukin-6(IL-6),interleukin-8(IL-8),malondialdehyde(MDA) and creatine kinase isoenzyme(CKMB) at preoperative infusion of Shenmai Injection or Sodium Chloride Injection before operation(T0),immediately after anesthesia induction(T1),after anesthesia 12 h(T2),24 h(T3),48 h(T4) between two groups were compared.Result:At T2 and T3,the P(A-a)DO2,RI,TNF-α,MDA,IL-6 and IL-8 in two groups were all higher than those of T0,but the increase of Shenmai group were lower than those of control group,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:Among the patients with severe burn operation,intravenous drip of Shenmai Injection can play a certain role in cardiopulmonary protection and improve the function of lung exchange,which has a positive significance for improving the prognosis of patients with severe burn.

    【Key words】 Shenmai Injection; Cardio-pulmonary function; Burn

    First-author’s address:Jingmen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Jingmen 448000,China

    doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-4985.2018.06.011, 百拇医药(汪世高 肖志强 周锟 张艳琴)
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