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http://www.100md.com 2012年12月1日 《医学与法学·综合版》 2012年第6期
     【摘 要】随着立法的逐渐完善,无法可依的时代会渐渐离去,执法的问题会越来越成为依法治国的主要矛盾,而真正有效地且全面准确地实施业已生效的法律却并非易事。就医疗领域而言,当前,社会上就存在着患者滥用医疗事故的情况,足以引起我们的关注。本文试从患者滥用医疗事故的角度分析当前解决医疗纠纷时存在的问题,并尝试提出了一些解决方案。


    Summary: Along with legislative gradually perfect, the ages of can't according to returns to leave the problem that go to gradually, enforcing the law back to become more and more to cure the country by law main self-contradict, but real availably and puts accurately into practice completely already the law that produce effect is however and not the easy matter. In regard to medical treatment realm ......
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