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http://www.100md.com 2014年9月15日 延边医学 2014年第26期
     摘 要:凶险性前置胎盘是妇产科重症,多采用手术的方法进行治疗,在这类手术中选择麻醉方法时不能仅依靠手术部位和麻醉师经验,应充分了解患者的情况,做好局麻、全麻的双重准备。术中更要时刻观察患者生命指症变化,当出现危重情况时,迅速处理,挽救患者生命安全。


    Abstract: Obstetrics dangerous placenta previa is severe, the use of surgical methods of treatment, can not rely on the choice of anesthesia in this type of surgery, only the surgical site and anesthetists experience, the patient should be fully informed, good local anesthesia, anesthesia double preparation. Surgery should always observe the lives of patients and more disease refers to changes in critical situations when there is rapid processing ......
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