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http://www.100md.com 2007年7月1日 《中国护理杂志》 2007年第7期

    关键词:毒鼠强 中毒 抢救 护理

    [Abstract] This paper reports the first aid and nursing procedures for a collective tetramine poisoning case of 13 children. All children are recovered by gastric lavage, catharsis to remove the poisons completely; using poison-expel and calm drugs as soon as possible to control convulsion; and using comprehensive treatment to prevent MODS actively. The emergent agency functions well ensure the rescue, and the skilled, responsible nurse familiar with the psychology of children is the key to success.

    [Key words] Tetramine (TET); Poisoning; First aid; Nursing care


    毒鼠强(tetramine TET 四亚甲基二砜四胺)是一种剧毒灭鼠剂 ......
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