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http://www.100md.com 2007年8月1日 《中国医药学刊》 2007年第8期

     摘要:目的 探讨恶性瘤性腹水与其它良性腹水患者胆囊壁图象改变,经超声扫描进行分型,并对其产生的机理进行分型、探讨。方法 对137例患者进行平卧、侧卧检查记录,归纳后进行超声分型。结果 恶性瘤性腹水患者胆囊壁多不增厚为I型,厚度≤3 mm。良性腹水患者多数为II型,厚度为4~6 mm。III型厚度为8~10mm。结论 超声对胆囊壁图象改变观察,测值分型对鉴别恶性瘤性腹水与其它良性腹水有较高诊断参考价值。

    关键词 超声分型 胆囊壁厚度 良、恶性腹水

    Diagnostic Values of Ultrasonography on Grouping The Pictures of Gall Bladder Wall and Analyzing The Reasons for Hydroperitoneum.Zhang Hua-qiong.Dopartmentof Ultreasound First Peoples Hospital of Liang ShanZhou SiChuan,61500 China.

    【Abstract】This paper focuses on exploring the differedces and analyzing the reasons for such diseases,by means of ultrasonography,between the gall bladder wakll of m alignant tumor hydroperitoneum and that of benign one.So that cures for m alignant tumor hydroperitoneum could be discovered.After 137 patients were found that, based on the conclusions of their result. The m alignant hydroperitoneum is I type, the thickness is less that 3mm.The benign hydroperitoneum is II type, thickness is 4-6mm.III type thickness is 8-10mm.Therefore ,It can be concluded that ultrasonography is of high value for differing m alignant tumor hydroperitoneum form benign one by observing, measuring and analyzing the pictures of zhe gall bladder wall. ......

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