中图分类号:G258.5文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1814-8824(2007)-11-0080-02
关键词 医院图书馆 医护人员 继续医学教育
The Role of Hospital Libraries for Continue Education of Medical Would not be Brushed Aside.Zhang Rui-hua.Library of Jining First People’s Hospital,Shan dong Province,Jining,272111.
【Abstract】Continue education of medical is a method that open up the human resources.In the era of intellectual economic which revolve around human beings.It is urgent to open up the talent of medical.Medical libraries will depend on its special advantage and provide firsthand information for continue education of medical.Therefore,the role of hospital libraries for continue education of medical would not be iynored.
【Key words】Hospital library;Continue education of medical
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