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http://www.100md.com 2008年6月1日 《中国医药学刊》 2008年第6期

     【摘 要】目的 仙人掌、冰片联合高频电波刀治疗宫颈糜烂。方法 取158例经阴道镜、病检排外宫颈癌的宫颈糜烂患者,随机分两组,一组配合仙人掌、冰片外用,一组单纯使用高频电波刀。比较其术后治愈率及术后并发症发生率。结果 联合仙人掌、冰片者,其宫颈糜烂治愈率明显升高,术后阴道出血及阴道排液量明显减少。结论 联合仙人掌、冰片治疗者可提高宫颈糜烂一次治愈率,减少术后并发症。

    【关键词】仙人掌 冰片 高频电波刀 宫颈糜烂

    The clinic curative effect observation of cervix erosion treatment by using cactic , borneol jointly with high frequency electric wave.Fu Fan,Wei Hua-Zhang.Affiliated Hospital of Jing Gang Shan University343000Ji’an Jiangxi China

    【Abstract】Objective To use cactic , borneol and jointly use high frequency electric wave to treat cervix erosion.Method Choose 158 sufferers, and divide into two groups, one is for normal treatment, another is by using cactic , borneol and jointly using high frequency electric wave, compare with these two groups’ curative effect.Result By using cactic , borneol and jointly using high frequency electric wave to treat cervix erosion can increase the recovery rate and also reduce the rate of treatment syndrome.

    【Key words】Cactic;Borneol;High frequency electric wave cutter;Cervix erosion

    慢性宫颈炎是妇科最常见的疾病 ......

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