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http://www.100md.com 2008年8月1日 《医学发展》 2008年第8期


    Abstract goal: After discussion breast cancer root governing skill, nursing and the trouble side extremity strength function exercise restores effect. Method: Has carried on the review analysis to 52 example patients. Finally: By careful nursing and the instruction, assist the patient to insist the function exercise, 52 examples resumed the normal work and the life, because has not presented nursing not, when has the function barrier. Conclusion: After breast cancer root governing skill, nursing and the trouble side body function exercise is important. Only then after completing the technique psychological nursing, the prompt instruction, assists the patient to insist that the trouble side body function exercise, can receive satisfaction the effect.

    Key word breast cancer root governing skill; After the technique, nurses; Function exercise

    乳腺癌根治术后护理和功能锻炼尤为重要 ......

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