【摘要】基于其特殊的服务对象和使用者,医院建筑成为一种特殊的建筑类型。医院是为患者存在的,患者作为服务对象,除了要治愈肌体上的病患,其心理、精神状态的康复也同等重要,因此在对医院室内外环境设计上特殊需要的认识也逐步提高,医院建筑与使用者全方位关系的特征已拓展得越来越宽。【关键词】现代医院 环境设计生态化
【Abstract】based on their particular clients and users, hospital buildings as a special type of construction. Hospital is there for patients, and patients as clients, in addition to cure the body of the patient, their psychological, mental status of patients and equally important, so the hospital indoor and outdoor Environmental Design and Special needs of understanding on the phase in higher, the hospital Building and users of the characteristics of all-round relations have been developing increasingly wide.
引 言
现代医院建筑的功能结构和组成要素处在动态发展中,其中环境作为一项基本功能已不容忽视,特别是医疗模式的不断完善,也促使对内外环境设计的缜密推敲成为医院建筑设计中的关键 ......
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