加强医院建筑管理 促进医院高速发展
【摘要】重庆市第九人民医院通过对门诊楼、综合住院楼等工程的建设,结合自身在建筑管理中总结的经验教训,对医院建筑的设计阶段的注意事项、施工过程的三大控制、资料收集整理、工程决算审计等关键过程,按照具有可操作性的思路进行了简单的概括。【关键词】医院 建筑设计 施工控制 资料整理
【Abstract】Ninth People's Hospital of Chongqing on out-patient floor, comprehensive inpatient building and other projects, in light of its own in Building Administration, lessons learned, the design phase of construction on the hospital precautions, the construction process of the three control data collected, project accounts for audit and other key processes, in accordance with workable ideas for a simple summary.
【Key words】Hospital; Architectural design; Construction Control; Documentation
重庆市第九人民医院位于国家级综合实验区、国家园林绿化城区北碚区内 ......
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