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http://www.100md.com 2011年2月15日 《中国中医药咨讯》 2011年第4期


    New pharmacological strategies for the treatment of aerial fibrillation WANG Jing, Tianjin people’s hospltal.

    【Abstract】 This review focuses on new pharmacological approaches under investigation for the treatment of AF,Including:1)Agents that produce atrial specific or predominant inhibition of IKur, IK-Ach or INa; 2) “Upstream therapies” ; 3) Derivatives of “old” anti-AF drugs with an improved safety pharmaclolgical profile; and 4) Gap junction therapy aimed at improving conduction without affecting sodim channels.

    【Key words】Atrial fibrillation;Antiarrhythmic drugs;Electrophysiology

    心房颤动(简称房颤)是临床上常见的心律失常 ......
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