当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中国中医药咨讯》 > 2011年第15期 > 正文
http://www.100md.com 2011年8月1日 周毅 蒋忠仆 王海亭 蒋强 张燕军 王军 任丽君 谢斌


     【摘要】目的 通过运用聚乙烯醇微粒联合平阳霉素对子宫腺肌症患者用介入法进行治疗,探讨该方法治疗子宫腺肌症的临床价值。方法 局麻下采用Seldinger技术穿刺股动脉,运用导管、导丝技术,在数字减影血管造影机(DSA)监视下,将5F子宫动脉导管送至对侧髂内动脉造影,将子宫动脉导管分别超选插入双侧子宫动脉,A组34例注入聚乙烯醇微粒(PVA)和平阳霉素混合液、B组32例注入超液化碘化油和平阳霉素混合液完全栓塞双侧子宫动脉。结果 本组治疗66例子宫腺肌症患者,全都成功栓塞双侧子宫动脉,其中13例用了微导管。术后随访6~36个月, 66例中有48例(72.7%)术后月经恢复正常;66例中有45例(68.2%)痛经完全消失;66例中有57例(86.4%)子宫体积缩小。有13例在术后12—36个月正常怀孕并分娩健康婴儿;A组未出现并发症;B组一例出现阴道不规则出血;一例出现卵巢性闭经。结论 聚乙烯醇微粒联合平阳霉素介入治疗子宫腺肌症优于超液化碘化油联合平阳霉素,是一种安全、疗效显著的治疗方法 .

    【关键词】子宫腺肌症;介入治疗;子宫动脉栓塞;聚乙烯醇微粒 ;碘化油;平阳霉素

    Polyvinyl alcohol particles jointly pingyangmycin treatment of uterine XianJiZheng application value

    Zhou Yi,Jiang Zhong-pu,Wang Hai-ting,Jang Qiang,Zhan Yan-jun,Wang Jun,Ren Li-jun, Xie Bin

    (KaiFeng HeNan Province No.1People Hospital Intervention)

    【Abstract】Objective:Through the application of pva particles jointly pingyangmycin XianJiZheng patients with uterine JieRuFa treatment, discusses the method of treatment of uterine XianJiZheng clinical value. Methods? Local anesthesia is the Seldinger technology puncture femoral artery catheter, using the guidewire technology, the digital subtraction vascular ZaoYingJi (DSA) surveillance, uterine artery catheter 5F sent to the contralateral iliac artery angiography within, uterine artery catheter inserted respectively super choose bilateral uterine artery, group A 34 cases were injected particle polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and pingyangmycin mixture, group B 32 cases into super liquefaction iodinated oil and pingyangmycin mixture of bilateral uterine artery embolization completely. ?ResultsGroup therapy in 66 patients XianJiZheng patients, all successful uterus bilateral uterine artery embolization, including 13 cases with micro catheter. Patients were followed up 6 ~ 36 months, 66 cases in 48 cases compared with 72.7%) postoperative menstruation normal, 66 cases in 45 cases (68.2%) dysmenorrhoea disappear completely, 66 cases there are 57 cases (both) uterine size decreased ......
