【关键词】健康教育 ; 妇幼保健 ;应用与分析
Explore the value of health education in maternal and child health
Wu Ai-ping Tinghu Metro Street Community Health Center ( Yancheng ) 224000,china
【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the clinical value of health education in the use of maternal and child health work . Methods: Hospital between January 2012 -December 226 cases and 231 cases of maternal newborn , its prenatal , delivery and postnatal health education , to analyze its effect. Results: 226 cases 167 cases of maternal natural childbirth , natural birth rate of 73.89% ; cesarean section 59 cases , cesarean section rate 26.11% ; seven cases of postpartum hemorrhage > 400ml, non- eclampsia , uterine paralysis , postpartum depression and other concurrent occurring disorders ; There was no one case of medical malpractice occurs . The survival rate was 100% of newborn babies , breastfeeding rate was 100 %, including 13 cases of insufficient breast milk , through post-natal visits, proper diet guidance and necessary medical interventions , can adhere to breastfeed . In 42 days postpartum visits showed that : all maternal body recovering well , physiology, psychology did not reach pre-pregnancy state. Infants examination : frail children 5 cases , accounting for 2.16% ; anemia in seven cases , accounting for 3.03% , no other major diseases . Conclusion: maternal and child health work, health education to promote sustainable development of public health , improve the quality of maternal and child health hospital , and improve doctor-patient relationship has a positive significance .
【Keywords】Health Education ;Maternal and Child Health ;application and analysis
【中图分类号】R473.6【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1672-3783(2014)01-0022-01 随着社会的进步、医药体制改革不断深化,基层医疗机构的服务模式也不断的发生变化,社区卫生服务不再以重医疗轻预防,而是以社区预防、医疗、康复、健康教育等"六位一体"的模式,预防、康复、健康教育等与医疗同样的重要,将健康教育贯穿于预防、医疗、康复等工作全程中[1]。妇幼保健作为基层医院一项重要的工作,它能够使孕产妇和儿童的身心健康得到进一步的提高、降低孕产妇的并发症的发生率和儿童的死亡率,是一项具有重要意义的社会公共卫生事业[2]。而健康教育作为妇幼保健工作的重要组成部分,在对有效的开展妇幼保健工作具有极其重要的推动作用。我院对2012年1月-12月在妇幼保健门诊建卡的226例孕产妇及其新生儿实施有组织、有计划、有系统的规范化的产前、产中、产后健康教育,取得了明显的效果,现报道如下:, 百拇医药(吴爱萍)
【关键词】健康教育 ; 妇幼保健 ;应用与分析
Explore the value of health education in maternal and child health
Wu Ai-ping Tinghu Metro Street Community Health Center ( Yancheng ) 224000,china
【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the clinical value of health education in the use of maternal and child health work . Methods: Hospital between January 2012 -December 226 cases and 231 cases of maternal newborn , its prenatal , delivery and postnatal health education , to analyze its effect. Results: 226 cases 167 cases of maternal natural childbirth , natural birth rate of 73.89% ; cesarean section 59 cases , cesarean section rate 26.11% ; seven cases of postpartum hemorrhage > 400ml, non- eclampsia , uterine paralysis , postpartum depression and other concurrent occurring disorders ; There was no one case of medical malpractice occurs . The survival rate was 100% of newborn babies , breastfeeding rate was 100 %, including 13 cases of insufficient breast milk , through post-natal visits, proper diet guidance and necessary medical interventions , can adhere to breastfeed . In 42 days postpartum visits showed that : all maternal body recovering well , physiology, psychology did not reach pre-pregnancy state. Infants examination : frail children 5 cases , accounting for 2.16% ; anemia in seven cases , accounting for 3.03% , no other major diseases . Conclusion: maternal and child health work, health education to promote sustainable development of public health , improve the quality of maternal and child health hospital , and improve doctor-patient relationship has a positive significance .
【Keywords】Health Education ;Maternal and Child Health ;application and analysis
【中图分类号】R473.6【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1672-3783(2014)01-0022-01 随着社会的进步、医药体制改革不断深化,基层医疗机构的服务模式也不断的发生变化,社区卫生服务不再以重医疗轻预防,而是以社区预防、医疗、康复、健康教育等"六位一体"的模式,预防、康复、健康教育等与医疗同样的重要,将健康教育贯穿于预防、医疗、康复等工作全程中[1]。妇幼保健作为基层医院一项重要的工作,它能够使孕产妇和儿童的身心健康得到进一步的提高、降低孕产妇的并发症的发生率和儿童的死亡率,是一项具有重要意义的社会公共卫生事业[2]。而健康教育作为妇幼保健工作的重要组成部分,在对有效的开展妇幼保健工作具有极其重要的推动作用。我院对2012年1月-12月在妇幼保健门诊建卡的226例孕产妇及其新生儿实施有组织、有计划、有系统的规范化的产前、产中、产后健康教育,取得了明显的效果,现报道如下:, 百拇医药(吴爱萍)