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http://www.100md.com 2018年1月1日 特别健康·下半月 2018年第1期


    郭刚智,韦丹.2286例儿童意外伤害的临床分析.[J]. 中国小儿急救医学,2017.24(2):128-131

    Tyler MD, Richards DB, Reske-Nielsen C et al. The epidemiology of drowning in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review.[J]. BMC Public Health. 2017 May 8;17(1):413

    Celis A1, Orozco-Valerio MJ et al. A search for a safer bucket to prevent children drowning at home.[J]. J Inj Violence Res. 2017 Jul;9(2):91-94

    许和平,宋维,赵浩.基于溺水Utstein 指南评价66 例溺水患者临床研究.[J].中国急救医学,2012.32(2):178-180

    Signore SC, Dohm CP et al. Scedosporium apiospermum brain abscesses in a patient after near-drowning - a case report with 10-year follow-up and a review of the literature.[J]. Med Mycol Case Rep. 2017 Jun 10;17:17-19

    Stachon P, Kalbhenn J et al. Near-Drowning with Good Outcome after ECMO-Therapy and Therapeutic Hypothermia Despite 20 Minutes of Anoxia and 16 Hours of Hypoxia.[J]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2017 Apr;142(8):596-600

    Chen MC, Chu CH, Cheng CF. Therapeutic hypothermia brings favorable neurologic outcomes in children with near drowning.[J]. Ci Ji Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2016 Oct-Dec;28(4):180-182.

    Mott TF, Latimer KM. Prevention and Treatment of Drowning.[J]. Am Fam Physician. 2016 Apr 1;93(7):576-82.

    Felton H, Myers J, Liu G.Davis DW1.Unintentional, non-fatal drowning of children: US trends and racial/ethnic disparities.[J].BMJ Open. 2015 Dec 15;5(12):e008444., http://www.100md.com(王小红)
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