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http://www.100md.com 2015年4月1日 中国医学人文杂志 2015年第4期
     【摘 要】胸外心脏按压是基本的心肺复苏技术,在临床抢救工作中是常用且有效的手法。在具体的操作中医护人员应做到分秒必争,掌握好按压时机和方法,提高临床抢救成功率。


    Abstract:Chest compressions CPR techniques is essential,in the clinical rescue work is a common and effective way.In the specific operation of medical and nursing staffs should do so every second counts,master good pressing time and method,to improve the clinical success rate of rescue.

    Key words:Chest compressions Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Clinical application

    在临床抢救中,胸外心脏按压是最基本的心肺复苏技术 ......

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