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[3]Gebara EC,Pannuti C,Faria CM,et al. Prevalence of Helicobact-er pylori detected by polymerase chain reaction in the oral cavity of periodontitis patients [J].Oral Microbiol lmmunol,2004,19 (4):277 -280
[4]祝磊毛兰萍王静等口腔与胃幽门螺杆菌检测结果分析[J]. 口腔医学研究,2008,24 (5):561-563
[5]陈发明孙海花贾保军等牙菌斑和胃幽门螺杆菌感染联合治疗对复发性口腔溃疡影响 [J]. 牙体牙髓牙周病杂志,2009,11 (5):336-338.
[6]李潇李靖姜广水等龋病及牙周炎患者唾液中检测及意义 [J].山东医药,2007,47 (20):76-77 .
[7]Kolho KL,Holtta P,Alaluusua S,et al. Dental caries is commonin Finnish children infected with Helicobacter pylori[J]. Scand J infect Dis,200 1,33 (11):815-817
[8]Shimada Y,Ichinose S,Sadr A,et al. Localization of matrix met- alloproteinases (MMPs-2,8,9 and 20)in normal and carious den-tine [J]. Aust Dent J,2009,54 (4):347 -354 .
[9]王晓春梁景平李吴妍等成人成牙本质细胞原位培养的初步研究[J].上海口腔医学,2006,15 (1):88-92 .
[10]胡勇.青海省中年人龋病流行病学抽样调查报告[J].口腔医学,2009,29 (5):275
[11]Nascimento FD,Minciotti CL,Geraldele S. Cysteine cathepsins in human carious dentin [J]. J Dent Res,20 11,90 (4):506-511., http://www.100md.com(张淑婷)