【摘 要】 目的:临床研究对产后抑郁症患者应用综合护理干预的效果,并对护理措施进行总结。方法:选取77例研究对象,均来自本医院2016年2月至2017年3月收治的产后抑郁症患者,以护理方法为依据,对77例患者进行分组,护理组(40例)和常规组(37例)。护理组的患者行综合护理干预措施,常规组患者行基础护理措施。利用SAS和SDS评分法,对两组患者的焦虑和抑郁情况进行评分,并对患者的护理满意度进行调查。结果:根据评分可知,护理组患者的各项分值均低于对照组,心理情况得到显著好转,且患者对护理水平的评价较高,组间比较差异明显,统计学存在意义(P<0.05)。结论:对产后抑郁症患者应用综合护理干预措施,可舒缓患者的心理情绪,减轻或消除患者的抑郁情绪,且在一定程度上提高了产妇的生活质量,有较好的临床研究价值。
【关键词】 产后抑郁症;综合护理干预;方法和效果
[Abstract] Objective:To study the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention on postpartum depression patients and summarize the nursing measures. Methods:All the 77 subjects were from postpartum depression patients who were admitted to our hospital between February 2016 and March 2017. Based on the nursing methods, 77 patients were grouped care group (40 cases) and conventional group 37 example. Patients in the nursing group performed comprehensive nursing interventions, and patients in the regular group performed basic nursing measures. The SAS and SDS scoring methods were used to score the anxiety and depression of the two groups of patients and to investigate the satisfaction of the patients. Results:According to the scores, the scores of patients in the nursing group were lower than those in the control group, and the psychological condition was significantly improved. The evaluation of the nursing level was higher, and the differences between the groups were significant. There was statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusions:Comprehensive nursing interventions for patients with postpartum depression can relieve the patients' psychological emotions, relieve or eliminate the patients' depression, and to a certain extent, improve the quality of life of the mothers. It is of clinical value.
[Key words]Postpartum depression; Comprehensive nursing intervention; Methods and effects
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
1.2.1 加大健康教育的力度 产妇分娩后,护理人员要对其进行健康宣教,让其了解新生儿的各项特点,母乳喂养的相关知识等,将产妇尽快带入母亲的角色,将重心放在看护婴儿方面,这是转移产妇注意力的关键措施。
1.2.2 针对性心理疏导 护理人员要积极主动地与产妇进行交流,了解其的心理活动,明确其中的问题,进而有针对性地对患者进行心理疏导,疏导的语气要和蔼、关切和友好。要耐心的听取产妇的想法,向产妇传播正能量,增加其对生活的信心。同时,要指导产妇正确的发泄不良情绪,可丰富自身的生活,如多听音乐、看积极的书籍等。, http://www.100md.com(于妤 冷来田)
【关键词】 产后抑郁症;综合护理干预;方法和效果
[Abstract] Objective:To study the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention on postpartum depression patients and summarize the nursing measures. Methods:All the 77 subjects were from postpartum depression patients who were admitted to our hospital between February 2016 and March 2017. Based on the nursing methods, 77 patients were grouped care group (40 cases) and conventional group 37 example. Patients in the nursing group performed comprehensive nursing interventions, and patients in the regular group performed basic nursing measures. The SAS and SDS scoring methods were used to score the anxiety and depression of the two groups of patients and to investigate the satisfaction of the patients. Results:According to the scores, the scores of patients in the nursing group were lower than those in the control group, and the psychological condition was significantly improved. The evaluation of the nursing level was higher, and the differences between the groups were significant. There was statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusions:Comprehensive nursing interventions for patients with postpartum depression can relieve the patients' psychological emotions, relieve or eliminate the patients' depression, and to a certain extent, improve the quality of life of the mothers. It is of clinical value.
[Key words]Postpartum depression; Comprehensive nursing intervention; Methods and effects
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
1.2.1 加大健康教育的力度 产妇分娩后,护理人员要对其进行健康宣教,让其了解新生儿的各项特点,母乳喂养的相关知识等,将产妇尽快带入母亲的角色,将重心放在看护婴儿方面,这是转移产妇注意力的关键措施。
1.2.2 针对性心理疏导 护理人员要积极主动地与产妇进行交流,了解其的心理活动,明确其中的问题,进而有针对性地对患者进行心理疏导,疏导的语气要和蔼、关切和友好。要耐心的听取产妇的想法,向产妇传播正能量,增加其对生活的信心。同时,要指导产妇正确的发泄不良情绪,可丰富自身的生活,如多听音乐、看积极的书籍等。, http://www.100md.com(于妤 冷来田)