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http://www.100md.com 2018年2月5日 《健康周刊》 20185
     【摘 要】三叉神经痛(Trigeminal neuragia)多发生于成年及老年人,70-80%病例發生于40岁以上,女性多于男性,右侧较常见,比率达60%,临床症状考虑为三叉神经根部血压压迫所致,动脉压迫以单根多见,也有报道多根动脉压迫,静脉压迫多为岩静脉及其分支。三叉神经微血管减压术(microvascular decompression)是治疗三叉神经痛的首选手术方法,现就三叉神经痛微血管减压术治疗研究进展综述如下。

    【关键词】三叉神经痛 ;微血管减压

    【Abstract】Trigeminal Neuragia mostly occurs in adult and elderly, 70-80% cases occurred in more than 40 years old, female cases more than male, right side is more common, with a ratio of 60%, the more common clinical symptoms considered as the root of the trigeminal nerve compression caused by blood pressure ......
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