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http://www.100md.com 2018年4月2日 《健康周刊》 201813
     【摘 要】华佗五禽戏自古以来,代代相传经久不衰,流传过程中不断改进并形成了多种流派和各种套路。经大量文献古籍和相关资料查询就其中的虎戏的流变过程给出了考究,并探究其祛病健体的临床价值。


    【Abstract】From ancient times, Hua tuo’s five-animal Exercises have been handed down for generations,in the process of spreading,various schools and routines have been continuously improved and formed. Based on a large number of ancient books and related materials, the study on the rheology of tiger play is presented, and the clinical value of removing diseases and strengthening body is explored in depth.

    【Keywords】Hua Tuo ; Five-animal exercises ; Evolution ; HuXi; Clinical value

    五禽戏是东汉名医华佗根据古代《导引图》导引之术 ......
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