【摘 要】目的:为了探索早期母婴皮肤接触1小时对初产妇产后6个月母乳的喂养成功率以及影响。方法:本文选取了我院在2018年1月-12月收治的80对母婴作为本次研究对象,采用随机分组的方式将其分为了对照组和观察组,每组各40对母婴。对照组采用皮肤持续接触一小时的干预方法,对照组采用皮肤接触半小时左右的方法。然后对其首次母乳喂养成功率、以及不同阶段的纯母乳喂养率进行调查分析。结果:对照组的所有得分都高于对照组,两组数据差异无统计学意义。结论:在新生儿出生两小时内,对其进行皮肤持续接触一小时的干预,有利于提高母乳喂养成功率以及纯母乳喂养率,因此值得进一步推广应用。【关键词】母婴皮肤接触;母乳喂养
【Abstract】Purpose:In order to explore the success rate and the effect of the early mother-to-child skin contact for 1 hour on the feeding of breast milk for 6 months after delivery.Methods:In this paper, 80 pairs of mothers and infants admitted in our hospital from January to December 2018 were selected as the object of this study. They were divided into two groups: control group and observation group ......
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