☉ 10584101:人成釉细胞瘤细胞的体外培养研究
☉ 10584102:陕西省HIV-1分子流行病学研究
☉ 10584103:人乳头状瘤病毒与头颈部癌关系的研究近况
☉ 10584104:PPAR- Activation Mediates Adipose Depot-Specific Effects on Gene Expression and Lipoprotein Lipase ActivityMechanisms for Modulation of Postprandial L
☉ 10584105:砷对角质形成细胞DNA合成及E2F1表达的影响
☉ 10584106:Prediction of Type 2 Diabetes Using Simple Measures of Insulin ResistanceCombined Results From the San Antonio Heart Study the Mexico City Diabetes S
☉ 10584107:三维CT立体测量在陈旧性颧骨骨折治疗中的应用
☉ 10584108:Preferential Stiffening of Central Over Peripheral Arteries in Type 2 Diabetes
☉ 10584109:Protein Kinase C ß Inhibition Attenuates the Progression of Experimental Diabetic Nephropathy in the Presence of Continued Hypertension
☉ 10584110:舌鳞状细胞癌患者血清VEGF水平的定量分析(英文)
☉ 10584111:Role of Endogenous Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 in Islet Regeneration After Partial Pancreatectomy
☉ 10584112:深圳地区甲真菌病病原菌流行病学的多中心研究
☉ 10584113:Role of Leptin in the Regulation of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Secretion
☉ 10584114:Role of the Fatty Acid Binding Protein mal1 in Obesity and Insulin Resistance
☉ 10584115:双侧带状疱疹1例
☉ 10584116:Sexual Differentiation Pregnancy Calorie Restriction and Aging Affect the Adipocyte-Specific Secretory Protein Adiponectin
☉ 10584117:STAT5A Promotes Adipogenesis in Nonprecursor Cells and Associates With the Glucocorticoid Receptor During Adipocyte Differentiation
☉ 10584118:Stimulation of Insulin Secretion by Denatonium, One of the Most Bitter-Tasting Substances Known
☉ 10584119:双层活性皮肤替代物的实验研究
☉ 10584120:Systematic Search for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the FOXC2 GeneThe Absence of Evidence for the Association of Three Frequent Single Nucleotide
☉ 10584121:斯皮仁诺与氟康唑治疗念珠菌性阴道炎临床及真菌学疗效观察
☉ 10584122:T-Cell Compartments of Prediabetic NOD Mice
☉ 10584123:双侧唇裂术后鼻唇畸形的修复
☉ 10584124:The C-174G Promoter Polymorphism of the IL-6 Gene Affects Energy Expenditure and Insulin Sensitivity
☉ 10584125:The E23K Variant of Kir6.2 Associates With Impaired Post-OGTT Serum Insulin Response and Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
☉ 10584126:四种唑类药物外用治疗体股癣 手足癣的疗效观察
☉ 10584127:小儿恶性组织细胞增生症并发严重颌面感染
☉ 10584128:The Influence of GLP-1 on Glucose-Stimulated Insulin SecretionEffects on ß-Cell Sensitivity in Type 2 and Nondiabetic Subjects
☉ 10584129:胎传梅毒2例
☉ 10584130:A Susceptibility Allele From a Non-Diabetes-Prone Mouse Strain Accelerates Diabetes in NOD Congenic Mice
☉ 10584131:牙槽突裂植骨研究进展
☉ 10584132:同患梅毒 生殖器疱疹非淋菌性尿道炎1例
☉ 10584133:牙源性影细胞癌的临床病理研究
☉ 10584134:All-Trans Retinoic Acid Induces Differentiation of Ducts and Endocrine Cells by Mesenchymal/Epithelial Interactions in Embryonic Pancreas
☉ 10584135:同性恋 性病与健康教育
☉ 10584136:Apolipoprotein-E Influences Aspects of Intellectual Ability in Type 1 Diabetes
☉ 10584137:脱色素痣15例临床分析
☉ 10584138:一次性气管套管的临床应用
☉ 10584139:Are Oxidative Stress-Activated Signaling Pathways Mediators of Insulin Resistance and ß-Cell Dysfunction?
☉ 10584140:医学科研工作概要
☉ 10584141:文眉感染疣1例
☉ 10584142:永久性面瘫的功能性修复
☉ 10584143:ß-Cell Deficit and Increased ß-Cell Apoptosis in Humans With Type 2 Diabetes
☉ 10584144:Cognitive Ability and Brain Structure in Type 1 DiabetesRelation to Microangiopathy and Preceding Severe Hypoglycemia
☉ 10584145:怡尔美祛斑口服液治疗黄褐斑50例疗效观察
☉ 10584146:Combinations of Nondiabetic Parental Genomes Elicit Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Mouse SMXA Recombinant Inbred Strains
☉ 10584147:Diabetes-Induced Progressive Endometrial Involution Characterization of Periluminal Epithelial Lipoatrophy
☉ 10584148:游离腹直肌皮瓣在口腔颌面部缺损修复中的应用
☉ 10584149:Dietary Cod Protein Restores Insulin-Induced Activation of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase/Akt and GLUT4 Translocation to the T-Tubules in Skeletal Musc
☉ 10584150:英山县基本消灭头癣病后期病例监测结果分析

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