☉ 10582751:Proliferative Phase Sertoli Cells Display a Developmentally Regulated Response to Activin in Vitro
☉ 10582752:Rat Anterior Pituitary Folliculostellate Cells Are Targets of Interleukin-1ß and a Major Source of Intrapituitary Follistatin
☉ 10582753:Reduced Expression of the Cytokine Transducer gp130 Inhibits Hormone Secretion, Cell Growth and Tumor Development of Pituitary Lactosomatotrophic GH3
☉ 10582754:Selection of the Dominant Follicle and Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-Binding Proteins: Evidence that Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A Contribu
☉ 10582755:Sertoli and Germ Cell Development in Hypogonadal (hpg) Mice Expressing Transgenic Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Alone or in Combination with Testostero
☉ 10582756:The Severe Form of Hypertension Caused by the Activating S810L Mutation in the Mineralocorticoid Receptor Is Cortisone Related
☉ 10582757:Thyroid Hormone Regulates Hepatic Triglyceride Mobilization and Apolipoprotein B Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Editing in a Murine Model of Congenital Hy
☉ 10582758:肝性脑病并脑出血1例病例报告
☉ 10582759:冠状动脉介入术后血管迷走反应2例报告
☉ 10582760:老年糖尿病患者急性肠系膜动脉栓塞并发肠梗阻1例
☉ 10582761:Masses in or around the Pancreatic Head: CT-guided Coaxial Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy with a Posterior Transcaval Approach1
☉ 10582762:Mesenchymal Hamartoma of the Chest Wall: Radiologic Manifestations with Emphasis on Cross-sectional Imaging and Histopathologic Comparison1
☉ 10582763:Two Inr Elements Are Important for Mediating the Activity of the Proximal Promoter of the Human Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Gene
☉ 10582764:Multi–Detector Row Helical CT Angiography of Hepatic Vessels: Depiction with Dual-arterial Phase Acquisition during Single Breath Hold1
☉ 10582765:Nipah Virus Encephalitis: Serial MR Study of an Emerging Disease1
☉ 10582766:Pelvic Heterotopic Ossification: MR Imaging Characteristics1
☉ 10582767:Administration of a CT Division
☉ 10582768:Radiation-induced Changes in MR Signal Intensity and Contrast Enhancement of Lumbosacral Vertebrae: Do Changes Occur Only Inside the Radiation Therapy
☉ 10582769:利多卡因硬膜外阻滞致高危产妇中毒一例报告
☉ 10582770:Recent Rapid Increase in Utilization of Radionuclide Myocardial Perfusion Imaging and Related Procedures: 1996–1998 Practice Patterns1
☉ 10582771:Assessment of Knee Cartilage in Cadavers with Dual-Detector Spiral CT Arthrography and MR Imaging
☉ 10582772:Case 43: Filariasis
☉ 10582773:Case 47
☉ 10582774:Changes in Brain Water Diffusion during the 1st Year of Life: Finally Starting to Understand Age- and Brain Tissue–related Normative Data
☉ 10582775:Shoulder Instability: Accuracy of MR Imaging Performed after Surgery in Depicting Recurrent Injury nitial Findings1
☉ 10582776:Changes in Brain Water Diffusion during the 1st Year of Life: Finally Starting to Understand Age- and Brain Tissue–related Normative Data
☉ 10582777:Stereotactic Histologic Biopsy in Breasts with Implants1
☉ 10582778:Comparison of Electron-Beam and Ungated Helical CT in Detecting Coronary Arterial Calcification by Using a Working Heart Phantom and Artificial Corona
☉ 10582779:Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide–enhanced MR Imaging of Head and Neck Lymph Nodes1
☉ 10582780:良性颅内高压症1例报告
☉ 10582781:T1 Stage Breast Cancer: Adjuvant Hypofractionated Conformal Radiation Therapy to Tumor Bed in Selected Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients桺ilot Fea
☉ 10582782:Testicular Volume: Comparison of Orchidometer and US Measurements in Dogs1
☉ 10582783:肾上腺皮质激素在抢救哮喘持续120h1例体会
☉ 10582784:The Angiographic String Sign1
☉ 10582785:Concordance of Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System Assessments and Management Recommendations in Screening Mammography
☉ 10582786:Contrast-enhanced US of the Prostate with Sonazoid: Comparison with Whole-Mount Prostatectomy Specimens in 12 Patients
☉ 10582787:The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering: History Status and Potential Impact1
☉ 10582788:Thoracic Aorta: Motion Artifact Reduction with Retrospective and Prospective Electrocardiography-assisted Multi–Detector Row CT1
☉ 10582789:Cost Analysis of Adjunct Hypnosis with Sedation during Outpatient Interventional Radiologic Procedures
☉ 10582790:完全性大动脉转位调转术1例
☉ 10582791:Diagnosis of Recurrent Meniscal Tears: Prospective Evaluation of Conventional MR Imaging, Indirect MR Arthrography, and Direct MR Arthrography
☉ 10582792:Double-Contrast Barium Enema Examination and Colorectal Cancer: A Plea For Radiologic Screening
☉ 10582793:胸椎结核伴截瘫单侧入路一次性病灶清除椎间植骨术治疗脊柱结核体会
☉ 10582794:Grid and Slot Scan Scatter Reduction in Mammography: Comparison by Using Monte Carlo Techniques
☉ 10582795:AVL9130钾钠氯分析仪测定的影响因素
☉ 10582796:Helical CT with CT Angiography in Assessing Periampullary Neoplasms: Identification of Vascular Invasion
☉ 10582797:Treatment of Complex Arteriosclerotic Lesions with Nitinol Stents in the Superficial Femoral and Popliteal Arteries: A Midterm Follow-up1
☉ 10582798:US for Detecting Renal Calculi with Nonenhanced CT as a Reference Standard1
☉ 10582799:ELISA检测HBsAg阳性标本复检结果分析
☉ 10582800:Inhalational Anthrax after Bioterrorism Exposure: Spectrum of Imaging Findings in Two Surviving Patients

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