☉ 11175401:High expression of cyclin B1 predicts a favorable
☉ 11175402:Plag1 and Plagl2 are oncogenes that induce acute m
☉ 11175403:MALT1 and the API2-MALT1 fusion act between CD40 a
☉ 11175404:Distinct IL-4-induced gene expression, proliferati
☉ 11175405:Immunohistochemical profiling of caspase signaling
☉ 11175406:手法治疗颈椎病310例临床观察
☉ 11175407:The combination of thalidomide and intermediate-do
☉ 11175408:CHIR-258, a novel, multitargeted tyrosine kinase i
☉ 11175409:Lower levels of surface B-cell-receptor expression
☉ 11175410:和胃消痞汤治疗功能性消化不良168例临床观察
☉ 11175411:Myeloid-related proteins 8 and 14 induce a specifi
☉ 11175412:RNAi-induced down-regulation of FLT3 expression in
☉ 11175413:The combination of thalidomide and intermediate-do
☉ 11175414:名中医王成国治疗脑供血不足经验
☉ 11175415:Acute leukemia in polycythemia vera: an analysis o
☉ 11175416:z-VAD-fmk augmentation of TNF-stimulated neutrophi
☉ 11175417:太极拳对中老年人保健养生机理初探
☉ 11175418:Monokine induced by interferon- is induced by rece
☉ 11175419:Leydig cell injury as a consequence of an acute gr
☉ 11175420:Association of transplant center and physician fac
☉ 11175421:Antibody responses to H-Y minor histocompatibility
☉ 11175422:Genetic complementation reveals a novel human cong
☉ 11175423:Control of systemic B cell-mediated autoimmune dis
☉ 11175424:温针灸配合循经按摩治疗网球肘40例
☉ 11175425:Leydig cell injury as a consequence of an acute gr
☉ 11175426:针刺加电摩治疗失眠症31例的临床观察
☉ 11175427:Early consolidation by myeloablative radiochemothe
☉ 11175428:Successful treatment of severe bleeding in hemophi
☉ 11175429:小青龙汤加味治疗支气管哮喘36例
☉ 11175430:中药复方治疗银屑病和减少复发率的研究
☉ 11175431:Differential expression of SHIP1 in CD56bright and
☉ 11175432:中药敷贴治疗氯氮平所致流涎不良反应的研究
☉ 11175433:Hydroxyurea for sickle cell disease in children an
☉ 11175434:中医特点及中医现代化之浅见
☉ 11175435:Redirected primary T cells harboring a chimeric re
☉ 11175436:Sustained correction of disease in naive and AAV2-
☉ 11175437:侧柏叶不同炮制品种的总黄酮含量比较
☉ 11175438:Modulation of in vitro proliferation kinetics and
☉ 11175439:Transgenic expression of BACH1 transcription facto
☉ 11175440:Inhibition of pathogenic SHIV replication in macaq
☉ 11175441:HIF-2 regulates murine hematopoietic development i
☉ 11175442:生脉注射液治疗冠心病的疗效观察
☉ 11175443:Macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor c-fm
☉ 11175444:Flt3 ligand and the Flt3 receptor regulate hematop
☉ 11175445:A naturally occurring E30Q mutation in the Gla dom
☉ 11175446:WAVE/Scars in platelets
☉ 11175447:Fibrinogen Philadelphia, a hypodysfibrinogenemia c
☉ 11175448:The role of CXCL12 in the organ-specific process o
☉ 11175449:中药皮肤透析治疗肾功能不全的理论探讨
☉ 11175450:Tricks of the trade for the appropriate management

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