☉ 11200951:Restricted Infectivity of a Human-Lineage H3N2 Inf
☉ 11200952:Recovering Streptococci from the Throat, a Practic
☉ 11200953:Sequencing of hsp65 Distinguishes among Subsets of
☉ 11200954:Sequence Variation of the SeM Gene of Streptococcu
☉ 11200955:Sequence Variability of Human Erythroviruses Prese
☉ 11200956:Timely Diagnosis of Disseminated Toxoplasmosis by
☉ 11200957:Sonication of Explanted Prosthetic Components in B
☉ 11200958:Shiga Toxins Present in the Gut and in the Polymor
☉ 11200959:Two New Colorimetric Methods for Early Detection o
☉ 11200960:Triazole Cross-Resistance among Candida spp.: Case
☉ 11200961:Treatment Failure Resulting from Resistance of Sta
☉ 11200962:Urosepsis with Actinobaculum schaalii and Aerococc
☉ 11200963:Unique NS5b Hepatitis C Virus Gene Sequence Consen
☉ 11200964:Unilateral Empyema as a Complication of Infectious
☉ 11200965:Use of Cefoxitin-Based Selective Broth for Improve
☉ 11200966:Use of an Adaptation of a Commercially Available P
☉ 11200967:Use of a New Dual-Antigen Enzyme-Linked Immunosorb
☉ 11200968:Use of Electrochemical DNA Biosensors for Rapid Mo
☉ 11200969:Use of Commercially Available Cryogenic Vials for
☉ 11200970:Use of Different Stains for Microscopic Evaluation
☉ 11200971:Use of PCR-Restriction Enzyme Pattern Analysis and
☉ 11200972:Use of PCR To Demonstrate Presence of Adenovirus S
☉ 11200973:Use of Molecular Beacon Probes for Real-Time PCR D
☉ 11200974:超声诊断桥本甲状腺炎1例
☉ 11200975:Validation of a Multiplex Pneumococcal Serotyping
☉ 11200976:Use of the espZ Gene Encoded in the Locus of Enter
☉ 11200977:视网膜下出血误诊为脉络膜肿瘤1例
☉ 11200978:临床罕见的肺癌转移途径
☉ 11200979:肝圆韧带异常引发多段闭袢肠梗阻1例
☉ 11200980:右股骨颈骨折合并席汉综合征行人工全髋置换术1例
☉ 11200981:先天性双侧颈侧瘘管1例
☉ 11200982:术后尿潴留误诊为膀胱炎1例
☉ 11200983:胃结核1例报告
☉ 11200984:左氧氟沙星注射液致重症肝炎1例
☉ 11200985:家族性高同型半胱氨酸血症致青壮年大面积脑梗死1例
☉ 11200986:对护士现存的压力及应对措施的探讨
☉ 11200987:病区环境管理
☉ 11200988:丙泊酚全麻诱导致支气管痉挛1例
☉ 11200989:急性酒精中毒合并创伤的联合救治与护理
☉ 11200990:高原傈僳族老年患者手术护理
☉ 11200991:人工肝支持系统治疗重型肝炎的护理
☉ 11200992:老年患者的护理
☉ 11200993:老年恶性血液病患者的临床心理特点及护理特点
☉ 11200994:输尿管镜气压弹道碎石取石术的护理
☉ 11200995:嗜铬细胞瘤围手术期护理
☉ 11200996:三叉神经痛感觉根切断术患者的护理
☉ 11200997:新生儿硬肿症的治疗护理体会
☉ 11200998:心肌梗死便秘患者的护理
☉ 11200999:外伤性截瘫患者的心理特征分析及护理对策
☉ 11201000:尿常规检验的质量管理
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页面最后生成日期:2006-10-5 21:11:24