☉ 11258301:Adaptive Evolution of the Insulin Gene in Caviomorph Rodents
☉ 11258302:More Genes or More Taxa? The Relative Contribution of Gene Number and Taxon Number to Phylogenetic Accuracy
☉ 11258303:Functional Divergence and Horizontal Transfer of Type IV Secretion Systems
☉ 11258304:Variation in the Pattern of Synonymous and Nonsynonymous Difference Between Two Fungal Genomes
☉ 11258305:Energy Constraints on the Evolution of Gene Expression
☉ 11258306:Accuracy of Rate Estimation Using Relaxed-Clock Models with a Critical Focus on the Early Metazoan Radiation
☉ 11258307:Evolution of Proteins and Gene Expression Levels are Coupled in Drosophila and are Independently Associated with mRNA Abundance, Protein Len
☉ 11258308:Sociality and the Rate of Molecular Evolution
☉ 11258309:Evaluating the Performance of a Successive-Approximations Approach to Parameter Optimization in Maximum-Likelihood Phylogeny Estimation
☉ 11258310:Reduced MIC Gene Repertoire Variation in West African Chimpanzees as Compared to Humans
☉ 11258311:Positive and Negative Selection on Mammalian Y Chromosomes
☉ 11258312:Adaptive Molecular Evolution in the Opsin Genes of Rapidly Speciating Cichlid Species
☉ 11258313:Context-Dependent Codon Bias and Messenger RNA Longevity in the Yeast Transcriptome
☉ 11258314:Genome Rearrangement Distances and Gene Order Phylogeny in -Proteobacteria
☉ 11258315:Modern mRNA Proofreading and Repair: Clues that the Last Universal Common Ancestor Possessed an RNA Genome?
☉ 11258316:Molecular Evolution of Cadherin-Related Neuronal Receptor/Protocadherin (CNR/Pcdh) Gene Cluster in Mus musculus Subspecies
☉ 11258317:mRNA-Mediated Intron Losses: Evidence from Extraordinarily Large Exons
☉ 11258318:Male-Driven Biased Gene Conversion Governs the Evolution of Base Composition in Human Alu Repeats
☉ 11258319:Dispersal and Evolution of the Sinorhizobium meliloti Group II RmInt1 Intron in Bacteria that Interact with Plants
☉ 11258320:Expanding Southwest Pacific Mitochondrial Haplogroups P and Q
☉ 11258321:Understanding Differences Between Phylogenetic and Pedigree-Derived mtDNA Mutation Rate: A Model Using Families from the Azores Islands (Por
☉ 11258322:Spliced Leader RNA–Mediated trans-Splicing in Phylum Rotifera
☉ 11258323:Reciprocal Fusions of Two Genes in the Formaldehyde Detoxification Pathway in Ciliates and Diatoms
☉ 11258324:Degeneration and Domestication of a Selfish Gene in Yeast: Molecular Evolution Versus Site-Directed Mutagenesis
☉ 11258325:Directed Mutagenesis Confirms the Functional Importance of Positively Selected Sites in Polygalacturonase Inhibitor Protein
☉ 11258326:Evolutionary History of 4.5SH RNA
☉ 11258327:Biogeography of Luminous Marine Ostracod Driven Irreversibly by the Japan Current
☉ 11258328:The Trichoplax PaxB Gene: A Putative Proto-PaxA/B/C Gene Predating the Origin of Nerve and Sensory Cells
☉ 11258329:Time Dependency of Molecular Rate Estimates and Systematic Overestimation of Recent Divergence Times
☉ 11258330:An Alien Promoter Capture as a Primary Step of the Evolution of Testes-Expressed Repeats in the Drosophila melanogaster Genome
☉ 11258331:Phenotypic and Genotypic Expression of Self-incompatibility Haplotypes in Arabidopsis lyrata Suggests Unique Origin of Alleles in Different
☉ 11258332:A Secondary Structural Model of the 28S rRNA Expansion Segments D2 and D3 for Chalcidoid Wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)
☉ 11258333:The Phylogenetic Positions of Three Basal-Hexapod Groups (Protura, Diplura, and Collembola) Based on Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequences
☉ 11258334:Analysis of the Reticulon Gene Family Demonstrates the Absence of the Neurite Growth Inhibitor Nogo-A in Fish
☉ 11258335:Networks of Coevolving Sites in Structural and Functional Domains of Serpin Proteins
☉ 11258336:Evolution of Noncoding and Silent Coding Sites in the Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium reichenowi Genomes
☉ 11258337:Horizontal Gene Transfer in the Molecular Evolution of Mannose PTS Transporters
☉ 11258338:NKp30 (NCR3) is a Pseudogene in 12 Inbred and Wild Mouse Strains, but an Expressed Gene in Mus caroli
☉ 11258339:cimp1, A Novel Astacin Family Metalloproteinase Gene from East African Cichlids, Is Differentially Expressed Between Species During Growth
☉ 11258340:Unique tRNA Introns of an Enslaved Algal Cell
☉ 11258341:Host Switch Leads to Emergence of Plasmodium vivax Malaria in Humans
☉ 11258342:Mathematical Modeling of Evolution of Horizontally Transferred Genes
☉ 11258343:Interchromosomal Segmental Duplications Explain the Unusual Structure of PRSS3, the Gene for an Inhibitor-Resistant Trypsinogen
☉ 11258344:Alu-SINE Exonization: En Route to Protein-Coding Function
☉ 11258345:Unexpected Diversity and Differential Success of DNA Transposons in Four Species of Entamoeba Protozoans
☉ 11258346:Comparative Phylogenetic Analysis of Blcap/Nnat Reveals Eutherian-Specific Imprinted Gene
☉ 11258347:Mitochondrial Genome Sequences Support Ancient Population Expansion in Plasmodium vivax
☉ 11258348:Two Chloroplast DNA Inversions Originated Simultaneously During the Early Evolution of the Sunflower Family (Asteraceae)
☉ 11258349:Chlorophyll c–Containing Plastid Relationships Based on Analyses of a Multigene Data Set with All Four Chromalveolate Lineages
☉ 11258350:Paleogenomics or the Search for Remnant Duplicated Copies of the Yeast DUP240 Gene Family in Intergenic Areas

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