☉ 11296901:Positive effects of vegetable and fruit consumption and calcium intake on bone mineral accrual in boys during growth from childhood to adole
☉ 11296902:Lower serum albumin concentration and change in muscle mass: the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study
☉ 11296903:Dairy consumption is inversely associated with the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in Tehranian adults
☉ 11296904:Hypovitaminosis D is associated with reductions in serum apolipoprotein A-I but not with fasting lipids in British Bangladeshis
☉ 11296905:Poor nutritional habits are predictors of poor outcome in very old hospitalized patients
☉ 11296906:Dietary glycemic index and load, measures of glucose metabolism, and body fat distribution in older adults
☉ 11296907:Comparison of isotope dilution with bioimpedance spectroscopy and anthropometry for assessment of body composition in asymptomatic HIV-infec
☉ 11296908:Inflammation is associated with increased energy expenditure in patients with chronic kidney disease
☉ 11296909:Protein kinetic differences between children with edematous and nonedematous severe childhood undernutrition in the fed and postabsorptive s
☉ 11296910:Concept of a nutritious food: toward a nutrient density score
☉ 11296911:Spinach or carrots can supply significant amounts of vitamin A as assessed by feeding with intrinsically deuterated vegetables
☉ 11296912:Diet and genetic factors associated with iron status in middle-aged women
☉ 11296913:Dose-dependent effects of folic acid on blood concentrations of homocysteine: a meta-analysis of the randomized trials
☉ 11296914:Effect of time of initiation and dose of prenatal iron and folic acid supplementation on iron and folate nutriture of Korean women during pr
☉ 11296915:Choline and homocysteine interrelations in umbilical cord and maternal plasma at delivery
☉ 11296916:Efficacy of twice-weekly multiple micronutrient supplementation for improving the hemoglobin and micronutrient status of anemic adolescent s
☉ 11296917:Age at menarche and adult BMI in the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s Cohort Study
☉ 11296918:Sex differences in the associations of HIV disease characteristics and body composition in antiretroviral-naive persons
☉ 11296919:Homocysteine, vitamin B-12, and folic acid and the risk of cognitive decline in old age: the Leiden 85-Plus Study
☉ 11296920:Vitamin supplements, socioeconomic status, and morbidity events as predictors of wasting in HIV-infected women from Tanzania
☉ 11296921:Weight change and the conservation of lean mass in old age: the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study
☉ 11296922:Plasma carotene and -tocopherol in relation to 10-y all-cause and cause-specific mortality in European elderly: the Survey in Europe on Nutr
☉ 11296923:High-fat dairy food and conjugated linoleic acid intakes in relation to colorectal cancer incidence in the Swedish Mammography Cohort
☉ 11296924:Relation between dietary n–3 and n–6 fatty acids and clinically diagnosed dry eye syndrome in women
☉ 11296925:Habitual physical activity in children: the role of genes and the environment
☉ 11296926:Arterial endothelial dysfunction in baboons fed a high-cholesterol, high-fat diet
☉ 11296927:Plasma palmitoleic acid content and obesity in children
☉ 11296928:Relation of weight maintenance and dietary restraint to peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor 2, glucocorticoid receptor, and ciliary n
☉ 11296929:Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index: a new index for evaluating at-risk elderly medical patients
☉ 11296930:8-Isoprostane F2 excretion is reduced in women by increased vegetable and fruit intake1,–3
☉ 11296931:Association of the 276GT polymorphism of the adiponectin gene with cardiovascular disease risk factors in nondiabetic Koreans
☉ 11296932:Estimation of total-body and limb muscle mass in hemodialysis patients by using multifrequency bioimpedance spectroscopy
☉ 11296933:Body fat distribution, body composition, and respiratory function in elderly men
☉ 11296934:Obesity in older adults: technical review and position statement of the American Society for Nutrition and NAASO, The Obesity Society
☉ 11296935:The relation of sugar intake to cell function in overweight Latino children
☉ 11296936:Dysprosium as a nonabsorbable fecal marker in studies of zinc homeostasis
☉ 11296937:Functional magnetic resonance imaging of human hypothalamic responses to sweet taste and calories
☉ 11296938:Effect of a fortified maize-meal porridge on anemia, micronutrient status, and motor development of infants
☉ 11296939:Iron supplement use and iron status among US adults: results from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
☉ 11296940:Relation between elevated serum alanine aminotransferase and metabolic syndrome in Korean adolescents
☉ 11296941:Effect of Lactobacillus GG on intestinal integrity in Malawian children at risk of tropical enteropathy
☉ 11296942:Mediterranean diet in relation to body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio: the Greek European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutri
☉ 11296943:Pulmonary cachexia, systemic inflammatory profile, and the interleukin 1 –511 single nucleotide polymorphism
☉ 11296944:A 4-wk intervention with high intake of carotenoid-rich vegetables and fruit reduces plasma C-reactive protein in healthy, nonsmoking men
☉ 11296945:Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of early screening and treatment of malnourished patients
☉ 11296946:Appetite assessment: simple appetite questionnaire predicts weight loss in community-dwelling adults and nursing home residents
☉ 11296947:Aging is associated with diminished accretion of muscle proteins after the ingestion of a small bolus of essential amino acids
☉ 11296948:Effect of ferroportin Q248H polymorphism on iron status in African children
☉ 11296949:Two ethnic-specific polymorphisms in the human Agouti-related protein gene are associated with macronutrient intake
☉ 11296950:Effects of moderate doses of vitamin A as an adjunct to the treatment of pneumonia in underweight and normal-weight children: a randomized,
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