☉ 11292701:Systolodiastolic variations of blood flow during central retinal vein occlusion: exploration by dynamic angiography
☉ 11292702:Optic disc topographic parameters measured in the normal cynomolgus monkey by confocal scanning laser tomography
☉ 11292703:脊髓灰质炎疫苗引起皮疹及便血1例
☉ 11292704:In vivo evaluation of ocular inflammatory responses in experimental diabetes
☉ 11292705:Bilateral ischaemic retinal vasculopathy in scleroderma
☉ 11292706:Macular degeneration associated with a novel Treacher Collins tcof1 mutation and evaluation of this mutation in age related macular degenera
☉ 11292707:继发于传染性单核细胞增多症的毛发红糠疹1例
☉ 11292708:IVF babies with ROP at higher gestational age and birth weight: implications of changing screening criteria
☉ 11292709:加减升降散加双青散治疗小儿外感高热103例疗效观察
☉ 11292710:An Arg311Gln NR2E3 mutation in a family with classic Goldmann-Favre syndrome
☉ 11292711:Ethmoidal sinus mucocele: an unusual cause of acquired Brown syndrome
☉ 11292712:Preventing exposure keratopathy in the critically ill: a prospective study comparing eye care regimes
☉ 11292713:A novel mutation in the RDS gene in an Italian family with pattern dystrophy
☉ 11292714:甲状腺非何杰淋巴瘤误诊误治1例
☉ 11292715:Management of Cataracts and Glaucoma
☉ 11292716:Ocular presentation of the SAPHO syndrome
☉ 11292717:BJO at a glance
☉ 11292718:From the Library
☉ 11292719:加味芍药甘草汤联合西沙比利治疗功能性消化不良的疗效观察
☉ 11292720:Monovision slows myopia progression
☉ 11292721:Periorbital haemangiomas
☉ 11292722:Tackling the greatest challenge in cataract surgery
☉ 11292723:Visual acuity in northern China in an urban and rural population: the Beijing Eye Study
☉ 11292724:Characteristics of trichiasis patients presenting for surgery in rural Ethiopia
☉ 11292725:Outcomes of high volume cataract surgeries in a developing country
☉ 11292726:颈椎前路手术治疗脊髓型颈椎病围手术期的护理
☉ 11292727:Variability in the content of Indian generic ciprofloxacin eye drops
☉ 11292728:进行性核上性麻痹误诊为阿耳茨海默病1例
☉ 11292729:No end in sight
☉ 11292730:A new donor cornea harvesting technique for posterior lamellar keratoplasty
☉ 11292731:Topical ocular antibiotics induce bacterial resistance at extraocular sites
☉ 11292732:Macular pigment levels following successful macular hole surgery
☉ 11292733:静脉注射氨甲喋呤配伍中药用于异位妊娠保守治疗的疗效观察
☉ 11292734:Outcomes of referrals by community optometrists to a hospital glaucoma service
☉ 11292735:Comparison of different techniques for purification of triamcinolone acetonide suspension for intravitreal use
☉ 11292736:Outcomes after combination photodynamic therapy and immunosuppression for inflammatory subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation
☉ 11292737:静脉吸毒传播丙型肝炎的临床特点
☉ 11292738:康复新外敷皮肤表面溃疡的护理体会
☉ 11292739:Genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity in pattern dystrophy
☉ 11292740:抗凋亡基因bck2在涎腺癌中的表达及意义
☉ 11292741:Intermittent exotropia increasing with near fixation: a "soft" sign of neurological disease
☉ 11292742:科素亚治疗轻中度高血压病33例的疗效观察
☉ 11292743:克栓酶治疗突发性耳聋22例
☉ 11292744:Further validation of the Daily Living Tasks Dependent on Vision: identification of domains
☉ 11292745:Management of childhood epiphora
☉ 11292746:Corticosteroid treatment of periorbital haemangioma of infancy: a review of the evidence
☉ 11292747:联合用药治疗耐甲氧青霉素金葡萄菌感染29例
☉ 11292748:Abnormal prion protein in the retina of the most commonly occurring subtype of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
☉ 11292749:Minimally invasive, direct, real time measurement of drug concentration in the anterior eye
☉ 11292750:The role of case mix in the relation of volume and outcome in phacoemulsification

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