☉ 11293351:Vaccinia virus protein A46R targets multiple Toll-like–interleukin-1 receptor adaptors and contributes to virulence
☉ 11293352:老年血液透析患者的心理干预探讨
☉ 11293353:腹腔镜下胆囊切除术中的变异胆囊
☉ 11293354:Identifying genes that regulate bone remodeling as potential therapeutic targets
☉ 11293355:T cell aging : naive but not young
☉ 11293356:静脉注射泵在心血管患者治疗中的应用与护理体会
☉ 11293357:Regulation of anaphylactic responses by phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase type I
☉ 11293358:麻醉深度指数用于高龄患者全麻期间麻醉深度监测的临床评价
☉ 11293359:Granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor and accessory cells modulate radioprotection by purified hematopoietic cells
☉ 11293360:Newly generated CD4 T cells in aged animals do not exhibit age-related defects in response to antigen
☉ 11293361:Understanding how combinations of HLA and KIR genes influence disease
☉ 11293362:Platelet activation leads to activation and propagation of the complement system
☉ 11293363:临床路径在肝癌介入放疗患者护理管理中的应用
☉ 11293364:Mutation of the phospholipase C-1–binding site of LAT affects both positive and negative thymocyte selection
☉ 11293365:Cholinergic stimulation blocks endothelial cell activation and leukocyte recruitment during inflammation
☉ 11293366:VEGF-A induces tumor and sentinel lymph node lymphangiogenesis and promotes lymphatic metastasis
☉ 11293367:Repeated stimulation of CD4 effector T cells can limit their protective function
☉ 11293368:Type I interferon dependence of plasmacytoid dendritic cell activation and migration
☉ 11293369:Natural killer cell education in mice with single or multiple major histocompatibility complex class I molecules
☉ 11293370:The nuclear factor HMGB1 mediates hepatic injury after murine liver ischemia-reperfusion
☉ 11293371:女性肿瘤患者多西他赛化疗的毒性
☉ 11293372:IL-1 receptor–associated kinase M is a central regulator of osteoclast differentiation and activation
☉ 11293373:女性肿瘤患者多西他赛化疗的毒性
☉ 11293374:A role for CCR4 in development of mature circulating cutaneous T helper memory cell populations
☉ 11293375:脑室外引流配合鞘内应用尿激酶治疗结核性脑膜炎脑积水36例
☉ 11293376:Recruitment of Foxp3+ T regulatory cells mediating allograft tolerance depends on the CCR4 chemokine receptor
☉ 11293377:Protection from cytomegalovirus after transplantation is correlated with immediate early 1–specific CD8 T cells
☉ 11293378:皮肤骨膜肥厚症1例
☉ 11293379:TGF-1 maintains suppressor function and Foxp3 expression in CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells
☉ 11293380:Interferon- acts directly on CD8+ T cells to increase their abundance during virus infection
☉ 11293381:CD44 is a physiological E-selectin ligand on neutrophils
☉ 11293382:Hierarchy of resistance to cervical neoplasia mediated by combinations of killer immunoglobulin-like receptor and human leukocyte antigen lo
☉ 11293383:肾恶性肿瘤78例超声显像和CT扫描诊断对比
☉ 11293384:Serine protease inhibitors serpina1 and serpina3 are down-regulated in bone marrow during hematopoietic progenitor mobilization
☉ 11293385:心源性脑栓塞77例临床分析
☉ 11293386:Neutrophils mediate immune modulation of dendritic cells through glycosylation-dependent interactions between Mac-1 and DC-SIGN
☉ 11293387:胸部刃器伤260例的外科治疗
☉ 11293388:胸腰椎爆裂骨折合并脊髓损伤186例的手术治疗
☉ 11293389:胸外按压30例潮气量改变
☉ 11293390:An anti-CD45RO/RB monoclonal antibody modulates T cell responses via induction of apoptosis and generation of regulatory T cells
☉ 11293391:任务难度调控面孔认知的早期阶段
☉ 11293392:神经营养素受体p75NTR在不同胎龄人胎脑海马中的表达
☉ 11293393:孕妇高效价抗D引起新生儿Rh血型定型错误1例
☉ 11293394:Natural selection drives recurrent formation of activating killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor and Ly49 from inhibitory homologues
☉ 11293395:胸苷激酶系统血管靶向抗肝癌效应的机制
☉ 11293396:新型髓内钉治疗股骨不稳定骨折的生物力学研究
☉ 11293397:婴儿发育性髋关节异常的早期诊断
☉ 11293398:依达拉奉对脑梗死患者血清中TNFα和IL8影响
☉ 11293399:一般能力倾向测验对陆军指挥院校学员院校绩效预测性研究
☉ 11293400:胸苷激酶系统血管靶向抗肝癌效应的机制

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