☉ 11325151:中西医结合治疗儿童咳嗽变异性哮喘54例疗效观察
☉ 11325152:American Osteopathic Association Commitment to Quality and Lifelong Learning
☉ 11325153:The Auckland Cataract Study: 2 year postoperative assessment of aspects of clinical, visual, corneal topographic and satisfaction outcomes
☉ 11325154:顽固性头痛治验1则
☉ 11325155:Quantitative evaluation of changes in anterior segment biometry by peripheral laser iridotomy using newly developed scanning peripheral ante
☉ 11325156:Teacher, Heal Thyself
☉ 11325157:A newly developed peripheral anterior chamber depth analysis system: principle, accuracy, and reproducibility
☉ 11325158:血府逐瘀汤治疗急性心肌梗死后心绞痛34例疗效观察
☉ 11325159:Effect of haemodialysis on retinal circulation in patients with end stage renal disease
☉ 11325160:Efficacy of core vitrectomy preceding triple corneal procedure
☉ 11325161:Congenital stationary night blindness and a "Schubert-Bornschein" type electrophysiology in a family with dominant inheritance
☉ 11325162:A randomised, prospective study comparing trabeculectomy with viscocanalostomy with adjunctive antimetabolite usage for the management of op
☉ 11325163:Loyalty to the Profession, Not the AOA: Evidence Base Necessary for Member Support of Association Policies
☉ 11325164:Does the site of filtration influence the medium to long term intraocular pressure control following microtrabeculectomy in low risk eyes?
☉ 11325165:Prospective study comparing lidocaine 2% jelly versus sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia for trabeculectomy surgery
☉ 11325166:Pelvic Postural Asymmetry Revisited
☉ 11325167:Exfoliation syndrome angle characteristics: a lack of correlation with amount of disc damage
☉ 11325168:Penetrating keratoplasty: indications over a 10 year period
☉ 11325169:Evidence Base Presented—and Expanding—for Investment in Tobacco Dependence Curricula for Osteopathic Medical Education
☉ 11325170:A randomised trial comparing 0.02% mitomycin C and limbal conjunctival autograft after excision of primary pterygium
☉ 11325171:外感风寒衄血验案3则
☉ 11325172:Flatlanders
☉ 11325173:Attention Applicants: Please Submit Emotional Intelligence Scores
☉ 11325174:Risk factors for age related cataract in a rural population of southern India: the Aravind Comprehensive Eye Study
☉ 11325175:从脾胃论治围绝经期睡眠障碍6法撷要
☉ 11325176:Headache Pain
☉ 11325177:Cost utility of photodynamic therapy for predominantly classic neovascular age related macular degeneration
☉ 11325178:Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Considerations in Patients With Chronic Pain
☉ 11325179:Genetic analysis points to apoptotic mutation in glaucoma
☉ 11325180:How do you know?
☉ 11325181:Value based medicine
☉ 11325182:BJO at a glance
☉ 11325183:从致病机理谈痤疮模型的制作思路
☉ 11325184:Graduate Medical Education: Accuracy of AOA's Annual Data-Reporting Mechanisms Questioned
☉ 11325185:The "Big DO"
☉ 11325186:调肝益肠汤治疗肠易激综合征78例疗效观察
☉ 11325187:"Opportunities" for Improvement
☉ 11325188:Jumping Through Hoops for Osteopathic Internships
☉ 11325189:Missed Opportunity for Osteopathic Medical Education
☉ 11325190:中药保留灌肠治疗慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎41例
☉ 11325191:Manual Techniques Addressing the Lymphatic System: Origins and Development
☉ 11325192:Like AOA Custom Publications, JAOA Now Offers Uniform Life Span for Quizzes
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☉ 11325197:肠炎饮治疗慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎33例
☉ 11325198:散结消疒徵丸治疗卵巢囊肿36例
☉ 11325199:复律汤治疗室性期前收缩100例
☉ 11325200:疏肝通窍法治疗耳鸣45例

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