☉ 11330951:Activating and deactivating mutations in the receptor interaction site of GDF5 cause symphalangism or brachydactyly type A2
☉ 11330952:有机磷农药中毒并呼衰的救治体会
☉ 11330953:Inflammation-induced lymphangiogenesis in the cornea arises from CD11b-positive macrophages
☉ 11330954:Dido gene expression alterations are implicated in the induction of hematological myeloid neoplasms
☉ 11330955:胸腔内注射尿激酶治疗结核性包裹性胸腔积液
☉ 11330956:Organ-specific roles for transcription factor NF-B in reovirus-induced apoptosis and disease
☉ 11330957:小儿皮肤念珠菌病72例临床分析
☉ 11330958:TWEAK induces liver progenitor cell proliferation
☉ 11330959:下肢深静脉血栓形成的原因分析与对策
☉ 11330960:Activation or anergy: NKT cells are stunned by -galactosylceramide
☉ 11330961:Anchors away: contribution of a glycolipid anchor to bacterial invasion of host cells
☉ 11330962:联合用药控制高血压187例分析
☉ 11330963:Osteoblast-derived PTHrP is a physiological regulator of bone formation
☉ 11330964:Searching for transcriptional regulators of Ang II–induced vascular pathology
☉ 11330965:拉米夫定联合胸腺肽α1治疗慢性乙肝临床研究
☉ 11330966:The crucial role of macrophages in lymphangiogenesis
☉ 11330967:Mechanisms of sudden cardiac death
☉ 11330968:溃疡性结肠炎52例内镜表现和临床分析
☉ 11330969:产前产后联合阻断乙肝病毒携带孕妇 乙型肝炎病毒母婴传播临床观察
☉ 11330970:侧脑室-腹腔分流术的改进及常见并发症防治
☉ 11330971:0.15%布比卡因鞍麻在肛周手术的临床应用
☉ 11330972:易善复与盐酸精氨酸存在配伍禁忌
☉ 11330973:心肺复苏后伴多器官功能障碍患者的监测与护理
☉ 11330974:In vivo correction of ZAP-70 immunodeficiency by intrathymic gene transfer
☉ 11330975:CORRECTION
☉ 11330976:Intensive insulin therapy protects the endothelium of critically ill patients
☉ 11330977:From the Library
☉ 11330978:皮下注射低分子肝素钠不同进针方法对皮下瘀斑的影响
☉ 11330979:Natural peptides selected by diabetogenic DQ8 and murine I-Ag7 molecules show common sequence specificity
☉ 11330980:Visual loss after silicone oil removal
☉ 11330981:Video reports
☉ 11330982:Autoantigen, innate immunity, and T cells cooperate to break B cell tolerance during bacterial infection
☉ 11330983:护理诊断在临床应用中存在的问题及原因分析
☉ 11330984:Marshall Miller Parks, MD, 1918–2005
☉ 11330985:PPAR regulates adipocyte cholesterol metabolism via oxidized LDL receptor 1
☉ 11330986:Visual loss following silicone oil removal
☉ 11330987:Induction of mucosal tolerance in Peyer‘s patch‘deficient, ligated small bowel loops
☉ 11330988:胆总管结石患者的腔镜治疗与护理
☉ 11330989:The matrix component biglycan is proinflammatory and signals through Toll-like receptors 4 and 2 in macrophages
☉ 11330990:Saturated fat–rich diet enhances selective uptake of LDL cholesteryl esters in the arterial wall
☉ 11330991:1例全身多处Ⅳ期重度压疮患者的护理
☉ 11330992:Human cardiac potassium channel DNA polymorphism modulates access to drug-binding site and causes drug resistance
☉ 11330993:Visual loss may be due to silicone oil tamponade effect rather than silicone oil removal
☉ 11330994:Retinal changes in juvenile X linked retinoschisis using three dimensional optical coherence tomography
☉ 11330995:Impaired negative feedback suppression of bile acid synthesis in mice lacking Klotho
☉ 11330996:尼尔雌醇联合米索前列醇用于绝经后妇女取环136例疗效观察
☉ 11330997:Delayed progressive visual loss following wrapping of bilateral clinoidal aneurysms: recovery of vision and improvement in neuroimaging duri
☉ 11330998:Loss of receptor-mediated lipid uptake via scavenger receptor A or CD36 pathways does not ameliorate atherosclerosis in hyperlipidemic mice
☉ 11330999:Linezolid induced toxic optic neuropathy
☉ 11331000:Optometric referrals: towards a two way flow of information?

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